明白了,您这是个normative claim, 本来呢也不需要假设和论据论证什么的。
第一次世界大战中,英国为保护其在苏伊士运河的利益,大力扶植利用犹太复国主义运动,以控制巴勒斯坦地区。1917年,英国发表《贝尔福宣言》,“赞成在 巴勒斯坦建立一个犹太民族之家”。1922年7月,国际联盟通过了英国对巴勒斯坦的“委任统治训令”,巴勒斯坦沦为英国的“委任统治地”。在英国统治期 间,大批犹太人从世界各地迁入巴勒斯坦。巴勒斯坦的犹太居民从1917年《贝尔福宣言》发表前的5万人增加到1939年的44.5万人。犹太人侵占巴勒斯 坦阿拉伯人的土地,驱逐巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人,犹太人和巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人不断发生暴力冲突。人肉炸弹首先由犹太复国主义者发明。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-6 21:04:51编辑过]
If the Muslim lay down their weapon, there will be no more war; if the Jewish lay down their weapon, there will be no more Israel.
What a bold statement! I can see you being poetic stating an extremely pathetic claim! I can definitely assert that your knowlege about the history of that area emanates from a zionist propaganda. Let me carefully comment your rather foolish statement: "If the Muslim lay down their weapon, there will be no more war" ... that is actually true for the simple reason that they will be consequently colonized and annihilated by the israHelly cowards! "if the Jewish lay down their weapon, there will be no more Israel" ... that would be great, because that one racist colonialist entity should have not existed from the beginning.
First, you should really cut this bullshit and go learn about history first. Jerusalem has never been Jewish for more than probably 150 years at most except in rotten minds like yours of course. Historically, Muslim has been the best people to Jews who have been exterminated by many other groups. The Jews were kicked out of Jerusalem by the Roman (you should at least know this). And only after the Muslim kicked the Romans out of Palestine that the Jews started living in Peace there! If you need any good references on this matter, I'm more than happy to help!
First, you should really cut this bullshit and go learn about history first. Jerusalem has never been Jewish for more than probably 150 years at most except in rotten minds like yours of course. Historically, Muslim has been the best people to Jews who have been exterminated by many other groups. The Jews were kicked out of Jerusalem by the Roman (you should at least know this). And only after the Muslim kicked the Romans out of Palestine that the Jews started living in Peace there! If you need any good references on this matter, I'm more than happy to help!
First, you should really cut this bullshit and go learn about history first. Jerusalem has never been Jewish for more than probably 150 years at most except in rotten minds like yours of course. Historically, Muslim has been the best people to Jews who have been exterminated by many other groups. The Jews were kicked out of Jerusalem by the Roman (you should at least know this). And only after the Muslim kicked the Romans out of Palestine that the Jews started living in Peace there! If you need any good references on this matter, I'm more than happy to help!
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