bless mm
I went through similar problems with both of my kids, but I didn't have to do IVF. I feel very lucky that my doctor was very good.
Finding the right doctor is very important. Many OBGYN doctor claim that they are also infertility expert, but it is not true. The specialty is actually reproductive endocrinology. Try to find the most famous specialist in your city, and it will definitely help!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/17 1:04:45编辑过]
bless mm
如果能用排卵试纸测到排卵是不是就表明有成熟卵泡,还是说是否成熟也不确定?No. The ovulation kit only detects the hormone that was released before you ovulate. For some women, the egg is either not mature enough, or even if the egg is mature, for some reason it may not be released. In another word, the ovulation kit can be false-positive. The only way to know is through ultrasound, where you can see the follicles forming, which means mature egg. To ensure the egg is released, the doctor might give you a dose of some hormone (HCG?), then the egg will be released within 40 hours.
Sorry, I cannot type Chinese on this computer.
有大姨妈就肯定会有排卵/有排卵不一定会有大姨妈. This is wrong. It should be the other way around. If you ovulate, you will have period in 14 days (exact 14 days), but having periods doesn't mean you have ovulated 14 days ago.
patpat mm.
Me too have PCOS...
Have taken pills for over a year. no acne now, but still very FAT... T_________T
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