★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.3.1
中药is天然, is it safer??
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.3.1
现在还是挺安全的,FDA对药物的管理尤其是进clinical trial非常严格
现在还是挺安全的,FDA对药物的管理尤其是进clinical trial非常严格
作为外行人想知道现在很多大药厂把clinical trial放到象中国这样的地方来做,真实性和准确性到底有多少?总觉得在国内只要打通关系就没有不可能的事,怎么能保证最后的数据都是真实准确的?
所谓的安全测试肯定不是lifetime的。后遗症有立刻显现的,有慢性发作的。即便是相关的后遗症, 也未必立刻能证明是药物直接所致。所以呐, 单就孕妇止吐这件事情, 我觉得, 自己能忍还是忍着吧, 不需要吃药。
能少吃药还是少吃吧, 没有药是完全没副作用的 ....
中国进行的trial审批阶段比别的国家要长(1。5年对一年),单是进行起来要快。 其实很多trial还是在欧美进行的,中国关节不好打通,regulatory也不健全,很多小公司都没有在中国做。
作为外行人想知道现在很多大药厂把clinical trial放到象中国这样的地方来做,真实性和准确性到底有多少?总觉得在国内只要打通关系就没有不可能的事,怎么能保证最后的数据都是真实准确的?
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.3.1
doesnt sound right..
The patients who died during a clinical trial does not euqal to patients who died BECAUSE of the clinical trial. If a cancer patient died during a clinical trial, it is very likely due to the disease itself than due to the drug. Annual death of 221 in India due to clinical trials is definitely an exagerrated number (most of the deaths are not related to the drug). There are IRB and regulatory agencies in India as well. Although they are not as organized and experienced as FDA, they are not completely ignorant either.
To be approved by FDA, the trials has to enrolled some patients from US, in most cases. In many cases, the majority of the patients are from US. But data management and programming work can be outsourced to other countries, such as India and China.
By the way, the drug that caused the disaster for pregnant woman was never approved by FDA and never sold in US. It was only approved and sold in Europe. It was not approved by FDA for safety concerns. It was often cited as an example to show the expertise and competence of FDA. FDA is very found of themself for that case.
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