以下是引用ZOEY1220在11/2/2010 5:17:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用apple:-)在11/2/2010 3:31:00 PM的发言:
I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
以下是引用小苹果在11/2/2010 5:25:00 PM的发言:
I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
WOW, That's great. So u don't need to worry about money/graduation now, right???? Big Congrats!!!I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
以下是引用小苹果在11/2/2010 5:25:00 PM的发言:
I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
哈哈,bribe... 你一定是个好TA,所以他们才给你机会。好样的!I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
Ive been given 1.5 years extra TA. Both my TA prof and my advisor have put a lot effort to hat. I thought that was what I could get. I didn't expect that much.
以下是引用小苹果在11/2/2010 5:18:00 PM的发言:
Nobody here .... I want to share this super good news with ur gals
Nobody here .... I want to share this super good news with ur gals
+u+u, yeah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/2 17:37:57编辑过]
以下是引用小苹果在11/2/2010 5:25:00 PM的发言:
I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
你是OREA 系的吧?aerospace.I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
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