oh, forgot. apple, ben to celebrate!!
以下是引用sunnysummerafteroon在11/2/2010 5:39:00 PM的发言:
you must be great too.
He's a nice person. When i talked him to confirm the news, he was kind of worrying that I don't want that offer..... How must be great too.
以下是引用小苹果在11/2/2010 5:45:00 PM的发言:
He's a nice person. When i talked him to confirm the news, he was kind of worrying that I don't want that offer..... How come...
果果要绷住。。。He's a nice person. When i talked him to confirm the news, he was kind of worrying that I don't want that offer..... How come...
以下是引用vikihu在11/2/2010 5:41:00 PM的发言:
Yeah~~~ I want to say "V" for victory to u, but I realize it is too funny.....
Ha ha I noticed ur finger expression. It was cute. U r cute!Yeah~~~ I want to say "V" for victory to u, but I realize it is too funny.....
Pat pat. I was on my own at the beginning. I am lucky I met my TA prof and he helps me alot. Then my advisor becomes more and more protecting me. Now I have 2 great people helping and surpporting me.
以下是引用小苹果在11/2/2010 5:48:00 PM的发言:
Ha ha I noticed ur finger expression. It was cute. U r cute!
U are cute too!!! 小苹果妞, 奔个给"大爷们" 瞧瞧吧~~~~Ha ha I noticed ur finger expression. It was cute. U r cute!
以下是引用小苹果在11/2/2010 5:53:00 PM的发言:
I'm still working in lab. Will Ben tonight whe I get my work done.
I am going to work too~ Don't delete too soon, I don't want to miss it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm still working in lab. Will Ben tonight whe I get my work done.
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