Save all the argument, face and accept the fact - Israel is a country recognized by the UN, Israeli embassy to China is right across street from the new US embassy in Beijing. Check out the map. Palestine is not a country, the Muslim treat their women and children like dogs, they train their children to become soldiers someday fly planes into buildings to kill people who are not Muslim.
Israel will win, the Jews will win. Jerusalem belongs to Israel, Jerusalem belongs to the Jews.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-7 8:04:05编辑过]
Sorry for being too rough in answering your post! I used quite some strong terms that I could have easily avoided. Unfortunately I do not have online documents that support my claim (150 years) ... everything that you may find online about Jerusalem is already written by pro-Israelis. But I will promise to spend more time on looking for the documents (and if needed, I will scan them and put them online). The kingdom of Israel existed for 600 years but was not centered in Jerusalem only: Hebron was the capital for most of the time and then Jerusalem for a minor period. Anyway, wikipedia, although, does not agree with my views, reports that the whole life of the kingdom is about 600 years (and mostly concentrated in Jerusalem) which is honestly not that long period relatively to the time Muslim spent in Jerusalem (sine year 638). BTW, Palestenian Muslims are Arab of culture and mostly Phoenician ethnically (group that existed in Palestine way before the Jews entered that area). Here is something from Wikipedia:
"Jerusalem is considered Islam's third holiest city after Mecca and Medina. Among Muslims of an earlier era, it was referred to as al-Bayt al-Muqaddas; later, it became known as al-Quds al-Sharif. In 638, the Islamic Caliphate extended its dominion to Jerusalem.[52] With the Arab conquest, Jews were allowed back into the city.[53] The Rashidun caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab signed a treaty with Monophysite Christian Patriarch Sophronius, assuring him that Jerusalem's Christian holy places and population would be protected under Muslim rule.[54] Umar was led to the Foundation Stone on the Temple Mount, which he cleared of refuse in preparation for building a mosque. According to the Gaullic bishop Arculf, who lived in Jerusalem from 679-688, the Mosque of Umar was a rectangular wooden structure built over ruins which could accommodated 3,000 worshipers.[55] The Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik commissioned the construction of the Dome of the Rock in the late 7th century.[56] The 10th century historian al-Muqaddasi writes that Abd al-Malik built the shrine in order to compete in grandeur of Jerusalem's monumental churches.[55] Over the next four hundred years, Jerusalem's prominence diminished as Arab powers in the region jockeyed for control.[57]"
别的不谈,既然没有supporting documents,这个150年哪来的?犹太人早就占据了耶路撒冷,然后公元前1000建成圣城,然后灭国,又居住了几百年,你好好研究研究吧。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-7 8:07:03编辑过]
别的不谈,既然没有supporting documents,这个150年哪来的?犹太人早就占据了耶路撒冷,然后公元前1000建成圣城,然后灭国,又居住了几百年,你好好研究研究吧。
Aren't the left wing libs incredible? They are way too certain about things that are not certain, they just won't stop their little left wing propaganda machine.
What are the left wing liberals?
They love the Musilim, and they hate the Jews.
They love those fly planes into buildings, and they hate those fight for liberty.
They love Obama and his lying thugs, and they hate President Bush who kept the country safe for 7 years.
They love Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and they hate Israel, the United States, the United Kingdoms and South Korea.
They love lesbians and the gay, and they hate people who promote traditional family values.
The Left Wing Libs Tax People to Work Hard to Spread Wealth Around to Those Don't Work, Don't Pay Taxes, but Live on Government Checks - As Long As They Vote for the Dems.
Good Luck Guys, Hope You'll Get to Keep Some Change in Your Pocket after "CHANGE: YES WE CAN"
Aren't the left wing libs incredible? They are way too certain about things that are not certain, they just won't stop their little left wing propaganda machine.
What are the left wing liberals?
They love the Musilim, and they hate the Jews.
They love those fly planes into buildings, and they hate those fight for liberty.
They love Obama and his lying thugs, and they hate President Bush who kept the country safe for 7 years.
They love Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and they hate Israel, the United States, the United Kingdoms and South Korea.
They love lesbians and the gay, and they hate people who promote traditional family values.
The Left Wing Libs Tax People to Work Hard to Spread Wealth Around to Those Don't Work, Don't Pay Taxes, but Live on Government Checks - As Long As They Vote for the Dems.
Good Luck Guys, Hope You'll Get to Keep Some Change in Your Pocket after "CHANGE: YES WE CAN"
Aren't the left wing libs incredible? They are way too certain about things that are not certain, they just won't stop their little left wing propaganda machine.
What are the left wing liberals?
They love the Musilim, and they hate the Jews.
They love those fly planes into buildings, and they hate those fight for liberty.
They love Obama and his lying thugs, and they hate President Bush who kept the country safe for 7 years.
They love Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and they hate Israel, the United States, the United Kingdoms and South Korea.
They love lesbians and the gay, and they hate people who promote traditional family values.
The Left Wing Libs Tax People to Work Hard to Spread Wealth Around to Those Don't Work, Don't Pay Taxes, but Live on Government Checks - As Long As They Vote for the Dems.
Good Luck Guys, Hope You'll Get to Keep Some Change in Your Pocket after "CHANGE: YES WE CAN"
Save all the argument, face and accept the fact - Israel is a country recognized by the UN, Israeli embassy to China is right across street from the new US embassy in Beijing. Check out the map. Palestine is not a country, the Muslim treat their women and children like dogs, they train their children to become soldiers someday fly planes into buildings to kill people who are not Muslim.
Israel will win, the Jews will win. Jerusalem belongs to Israel, Jerusalem belongs to the Jews.
不过你对犹太人太不了解了。其实犹太教和穆斯林对待妇女都非常相似的(本来就同源么)。犹太教保持的比较好的,hasidic jews(纽约有很多很多),现如今都还不允许女人露任何皮肤。要穿长裙和袜子(丑死了)。女人的地位很低,连结婚都是安排的。结婚之前没有date,结婚之后做爱没有前戏,男人直接泄愤外加播种。目的就是生小犹太。这些,你可以在New York Magazine看到很翔实的报道。我很不喜欢穆斯林这些对待妇女儿童的习俗,但是了解了犹太人对待妇女儿童的事迹之后,更觉得这是一些披着羊皮的狼。
1)犹太人有钱, 可以让英美帮他们
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