the context is the US lah. the compensation in China is also going down though=(.btw you are an architect right?
I am not. If i am an archiect, I won't stay here in the U.S. And appearently you know why. I was shocked that when i realize how low salary architects get in the U.S. Architects' salary ranks much higher among all majors in China.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-13 0:04:52编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-13 0:15:47编辑过]
最惨重的还是common share holder,心理和经济上的双重伤害。现在政府一救市,taxpayers的利益也全进去了,finally pass the cost to failure阿,market failure阿。这时候就要看政府的群众基础够不够好了,不过Bush正好今年下台,真是perfect timing阿,所谓傻人有傻福,完全应在了他身上。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-13 4:43:05编辑过]
1. ML 六万人,倒闭了也差不多是美帝末日了。不过是确实应该开始裁人了。
2. 各大公司还是会找校园新生,原因不是钱,而是一种义务或者习惯,我们公司刚招了一个专门招人的人
1. Fuld could have tried to sell Neuberger earlier and that would have saved something for the common shareholders and maybe even the firm.
2. Almost all bank liquidity issues are caused by rumors and speculation, so one needs to ask what caused the rumors and speculation. The fact that Fuld tried to cover things up certainly didn't help.
3. One bad investment can kill the whole company; it has happened many times: LTC, Amaranth, etc. But it keeps happening coz that's the nature of this high leverage business. Rest of LEH may be pulled down by MBS/ABS people, but hey that's part of the game.
I guess I just don't have as high a regard for people on wall street. Not sure what makes LEH a GOOD investment bank. They are all the same IMHO, risk takers and speculators. I think they deserve the payoffs with that much risk, yet they have to stomach the downside too when the market goes the other direction.
同意. 我觉得这次WALL STREET 是自作自受, 被自己的贪婪所害. 当年ENRON 的时候, 美林和CITI 就因为贪婪竟然接受了ENRON 那个家伙(名字忘了)的BS, 最后赔了(大家可以看看那个记录片THE SMARTTEST GUY IN THE ROOM). 事隔多年贪婪的历史重演. 街上FINANCIAL ENGINEERING 搞的那些玩艺, 蒙来蒙去, 最后还是那句话, 出来混迟早是要还的.
这次金融危机最后买单的还是美国的TAX PAYER, 全球的投资者, 估计华尔街今后的名声和律师一样臭了....
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-13 16:36:12编辑过]
although off topic, they work 9 months/yr... xixi
architects are the most underpaid IMHO. I truly respect them.
faculties work for 12 months, but only get paid by 9 months...(i am not talking about b-school)
most of the times, summer is their unpaid research time...people in biology, physics, other sciences work really hard too......
this is off topic again, i knew
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-13 16:38:07编辑过]
no faculties work for 12 months, but only get paid by 9 months...(i am not talking about b-school)
most of the times, summer is their unpaid research time...people in biology, physics, other sciences work really hard too......
this is off topic again, i knew
多少生物破死到 也是名校phd毕业 没周85小时得做试验 一年也就4万呢 。。。。那些science,engineering也是为社会做贡献嘛 挣得能有金融得一半 三分之一就不得了
我不嫉妒你们啊 社会上自然有人挣得多有人少 很正常得~~~就是觉得 只是说因为工作辛苦受过教育 对很多行业很不公平呢 =)
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