另外,我刚看完MONET的文章,有一点没弄明白,为啥她的GPA 可以是4.15啊? 土人偶只知道3点多的啊
毛毛虫的笑话, 最后面没有看懂....
就是说让师妹出席研讨会的是八卦的力量。那位女老师和男教授的affair已经公开化了,她的丈夫已经到学院闹过了 (嘴巴愤怒地说了很多话,所以打架的内容大家都清楚了)。闹归闹,女的继续抱大腿,男的继续乐于让别抱大腿。
就是说让师妹出席研讨会的是八卦的力量。那位女老师和男教授的affair已经公开化了,她的丈夫已经到学院闹过了 (嘴巴愤怒地说了很多话,所以打架的内容大家都清楚了)。闹归闹,女的继续抱大腿,男的继续乐于让别抱大腿。
那为什么你"当天晚上给LD温情款款的打电话"? SORRY, 我笨......
你删掉了, 那看来和笑话内容无关了..... :)
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-1 14:24:41编辑过]
那为什么你"当天晚上给LD温情款款的打电话"? SORRY, 我笨......
你删掉了, 那看来和笑话内容无关了..... :)
some schools have 5.0 as the perfect GPA, in that case, 4.x is reasonable.
4.33 for A+ is true in a lot of schools. 4.15 is a pretty high gpa.
according to your comment about 5.0 perfect gpa which i've never heard of , her 4.15 will look much worse. what's your point?
4.33 for A+ is true in a lot of schools. 4.15 is a pretty high gpa.
according to your comment about 5.0 perfect gpa which i've never heard of , her 4.15 will look much worse. what's your point?
4.15/5 is really not bad at all. I'm not sure what scale Cornell uses, but I know for fact that MIT uses 5.0 scale, and 4.0 is considered pretty good given the tough grading system at MIT. I listed the fact I know without a point.
take your damn nose bubble back.
4.15/5 is really not bad at all. I'm not sure what scale Cornell uses, but I know for fact that MIT uses 5.0 scale, and 4.0 is considered pretty good given the tough grading system at MIT. I listed the fact I know without a point.
take your damn nose bubble back.
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