听说是这样的。我有个邻居就是bear stern的,现在拿double pay, 在家玩儿,戏称每天走路都在赚钱。
wow. that's impressive. better than our lives.
I wonder which kind of packages the JPMorgan employees who got laid off made.
i still prefer having a job and working like a dog though.
One of my friends has not found a full time job for 9 months.
wow. that's impressive. better than our lives.
I wonder which kind of packages the JPMorgan employees who got laid off made.
i still prefer having a job and working like a dog though.
One of my friends has not found a full time job for 9 months.
每个人package不一样,能拿double pay是运气好。惨的人多呢,offer被revoke的,身份问题被迫回国的,找不到下家的。这年头,有工作就是幸福~
每个人package不一样,能拿double pay是运气好。惨的人多呢,offer被revoke的,身份问题被迫回国的,找不到下家的。这年头,有工作就是幸福~
exactly. think about the kids who just got offers to join BS after college. everything is gone.
每个人package不一样,能拿double pay是运气好。惨的人多呢,offer被revoke的,身份问题被迫回国的,找不到下家的。这年头,有工作就是幸福~
I am not. If i am an archiect, I won't stay here in the U.S. And appearently you know why.
I was shocked that when i realize how low salary architects get in the U.S. Architects' salary ranks much higher among all majors in China.
it was the case when I was in college. not any more. it's a lot more competitive now. it's also hard to find side projects without required qualifications.
前面有个帖子说的,街上那些人失业了也不同情。他们的生活吗?我今天打电话给lehman的一个同学,他说现在天天混日子,没啥好怕的,没看见bear stearns那些人的severance pay? 3月还是4月份起,每个月拿双薪,据说年底还有bonus. 这个我听了很吃惊,有人能confirm吗?
not everybody gets double pay. It's sad if you think that everybody is like that and so they deserve to lose their jobs.
nod. also remember the Freddie Mac CEO? He got a $12MM(?) package after freddie was taken over. what did he do to deserve that?
not everybody gets double pay. It's sad if you think that everybody is like that and so they deserve to lose their jobs.
也许我会天真的以为每个人都拿到double pay, 但我没那么阴暗的人为so they deserve to lose their jobs
每个行业都有地震的机会,大家都是轮着来, IT 不是也有非常低迷的时候,不管你多强也没工作给你。你说金融业的人投机倒把,不靠谱,说倒就倒,想当初, ENRON这样不是也说倒就倒。所以风水轮流转,谁知道下个cycle 倒霉的行业是啥。。。大家都悠着点。这年头,没啥铁饭碗,尤其是喜欢赚大钱的。除非当个邮递员。。。
同意. 我觉得这次WALL STREET 是自作自受, 被自己的贪婪所害. 当年ENRON 的时候, 美林和CITI 就因为贪婪竟然接受了ENRON 那个家伙(名字忘了)的BS, 最后赔了(大家可以看看那个记录片THE SMARTTEST GUY IN THE ROOM). 事隔多年贪婪的历史重演. 街上FINANCIAL ENGINEERING 搞的那些玩艺, 蒙来蒙去, 最后还是那句话, 出来混迟早是要还的.
这次金融危机最后买单的还是美国的TAX PAYER, 全球的投资者, 估计华尔街今后的名声和律师一样臭了....
let's not throw the baby out with the bath water here. financial engineering does reduce hte cost of capital. And that's why we're paying high 5%, low 6% 30-yr fixed mortgage rates today.
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