[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/6 20:00:37编辑过]
绝对是中年妇女了。。。 岁月不饶人啊。
这是关于这个program 的介绍: CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide.The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We’ve used our same routines for elderly individuals with heart disease and cage fighters one month out from televised bouts. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs.
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree not kind. Our terrorist hunters, skiers, mountain bike riders and housewives have found their best fitness from the same regimen.
For the person who endeavors to take on CrossFit without the guidance of a certified CrossFit trainer, we recommend three distinct approaches, depending on your fitness experience and available facilities:
1) If you are largely familiar with the stable of CrossFit exercises then start with the WOD (Workout of the Day). If you've had exposure to Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and gymnastics, jump right in. If an exercise is unfamiliar, acquaint yourself with the movement through the video clip for the movement on the exercises section of the site. This option is for those athletes with an extensive experience in athletic strength and conditioning - jump right in.
2) If some or many of the exercises are unfamiliar to you and you are only modestly acquainted with elite athletic training, we recommend that you follow the WOD and substitute other exercises for those where you don't have either the equipment or skill and then devise a plan for acquisition of the necessary skills or equipment needed to participate completely. We are developing a Substitution Chart in the FAQ for replacing exercises for which you've not developed the skills or don't have the equipment.
3) If many or most of the exercises are relatively or completely unknown to you, then we recommend that you begin learning the movements for a month or two until you can either perform our common exercises or have substitutions worked out for those movements under development. This is a great place to begin for anyone with little or no experience with serious weightlifting or gymnastics.
We are a "minimalist program"and this is reflected by the functionality and limited number of our exercises and the simplicity of the equipment we use compared to most commercial gyms. An Olympic weight set and a place to do pull-ups and dips is essential to doing CrossFit. Gymnastics rings and parallettes, plyometrics boxes, a Dynamax medicine ball, dumbbells, kettlebells, climbing rope, Concept II Rower, and a glute-ham developer will equip your garage with more than enough to follow the WOD very closely. (See CrossFit Journal, September 2002, "The Garage Gym" for information on building a world-class strength and conditioning facility in your garage.)
In any case it must be understood that the CrossFit workouts are extremely demanding and will tax the capacities of even the world's best athletes. You would be well advised to take on the WOD carefully, cautiously, and work first towards completing the workouts comfortably and consistently before "throwing" yourself at them 100%. The best results have come for those who've "gone through the motions" of the WOD by reducing recommended loads, reps, and sets while not endeavoring towards impressive times for a month before turning up the heat. We counsel you to establish consistency with the WOD before maximizing intensity.
我的朋友是个退役的us marine, 本人经历过许多艰苦的训练,不过,当她说到这个crossfit时,还是对我吐舌头,说是非常的challenge, 是对力量,体能,耐力的一大考验。她大概说了一下,基本上是cardio和力量训练结合的,基本上没有跑步机等各种健身型器械,有杠铃,哑铃,攀援,吊环,划船,kicking box, 跳跃,跳绳等等,而且训练的组合也会经常调整,效果奇佳。她是班上最年轻的,大都属女性都是中年妇女,但是,大多数都已拥有了美丽的肌肉线条。。。。。
于是,我就动心了。。。这可是我梦寐以求的。。。立马就在网上找到了最近的一个trainning center 约好了教练。
本文我,我的目的,我大义凌然地说,我要像gisele Bundchen , 非常地大言不惭,本大笑。当然,gisele比我年轻许多,身材结构也好很多,人家是靠那魔鬼身材一年挣三千万的主, 咱们只是家庭妇女一名,再怎么炼也到不了那个地步,不过,yy 一下总可以吧,做梦也行吧。
01/ 06/ 2010
训练开始了,我请ben 作我的private trainer, 一节课90刀,总共10堂课,然后参加小个团体训练,不便宜,不过,舍不得孩子套不得狼。我问本,我想减掉20磅,要多久,本笑着说,你的个子高,架子也不错,年龄也不算大(和他比?)只要你勤奋,按照我说的去练,去吃,去休息,三个月你就能完成这个数字。我激动地给了他一个大拥抱,做梦啊。
一节课下来,我发现,请private trainer很重要,本示范了我一系列动作,我跟着做,目的是摸清楚的我体能和各种生活习惯状况,我的协调能力,柔软程度,直接打我的软肋,我上半身力量非常差。。。汗,看看我那胳膊就知道了。
我今天的动作方案:划船两百米,阻力为3。 这个基本上是全身运动,双臂,腹肌,大腿,臀部下来都有感觉
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/6 20:48:25编辑过]
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