晕 看到这段 难道是白凤凰
比如说他jj小。。。不能给你足够的快感。。。你本来想给你们多一些时间磨合。。可是你发现你越来积压的越多,得不到发泄。。。挫败死丫。 不过他要是真床上功夫巨好,估计这理由太假。。可是一般自大的人我觉得床功都不应该很好。。。
lz你count on him too much
可能你想早点settle down,认为谈恋爱就是奔结婚的
而你bf觉得serious relationship not necessarily leads to marriage
针对这个人,我应该怎么做? 有没有短期的办法?
我以前的室友date一个人6个月,那人也是不ready;后来还long distance半年;再后来突然一下engaged and get married; don't know what she did in order to make him get ready so soon....
一般都end up being a loser....赶紧换人
推荐楼主去看《sealing the deal》。
其实不一定要结婚啊,最重要的是you need to feel good about yourself。你的自信心一来,他觉得抓不住你了,自然而然的会想办法。
还有啊,楼主你这么问,是问不出个所以然的,只会让情况更糟。你必须要让他自己去figure it out。
他要是没办法figure it out,那楼主也不要浪费时间了,6个月其实差不多了。
还有啊,楼主你这么问,是问不出个所以然的,只会让情况更糟。你必须要让他自己去figure it out。
他要是没办法figure it out,那楼主也不要浪费时间了,6个月其实差不多了。
觉得他现在工作和学习忙得团团转,如果我让他figure out, 是不是直接和他摊牌:
what do you see our relationship in the long term? give him a few days to think about it.
if he is hesitant to include me in the picture, 直接break up.
"sealing the deal", is this a book??
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/18 12:14:44编辑过]
晕 看到这段 难道是白凤凰
nod........I dated a guy almost exactly like this one..........
觉得他现在工作和学习忙得团团转,如果我让他figure out, 是不是直接和他摊牌:
what do you see our relationship in the long term? give him a few days to think about it.
if he is hesitant to include me in the picture, 直接break up.
"sealing the deal", is this a book??
那他figured it out啦,就是短时间内不会结婚。
my advice:run the other direction
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