check out http://bikramyoga.com/
The recommended temperature is minimum 105F degrees and about 40% humidity.
The room is kept at this temperature or more for the following:
- Keeping the body from overheating (contrary to popular misconception)
- Protecting the muscles to allow for deeper stretching
- Detoxing the body (open pores to let toxins out)
- Thinning the blood to clear the circulatory system
- Increasing heart rate for better cardiovascular workout
- Improving strength by putting muscle tissue in optimal state for reorganization
- Reorganize the lipids (fat) in the muscular structure
agree, didn't feel much difference
yoga只要坚持,肯定有效果的,只不过我们可能一下子看不出来。就说我吧,我其实才开始练了半年,每周1-2次,是最基本的。我平时也看不出来什么,可是前两个礼拜我的personal trainer给我做assessment(会员费里包括的),就是看我的身体素质和肌肉协调之类的,来看我需要什么样的training,他让我做下蹲的动作,然后在scale上打分。他对我说,我的肌肉协调非常好,he is surprised coz i am not active compared to other American girls,后来他问你是不是练yoga,我说是的,他就说,难怪,yoga是个非常好的东西,你一定要坚持
agree, didn't feel much difference
呵呵,肯定是有点的。比如说,你做down dog(不知道对不对),手要支撑身体作动作,刚开始每次我都做到手发抖,因为我臂力不够。现在我好多了。
呵呵,肯定是有点的。比如说,你做down dog(不知道对不对),手要支撑身体作动作,刚开始每次我都做到手发抖,因为我臂力不够。现在我好多了。
totally agree, the more you practise,downward dog will become a resting posture, in power yoga classes, we hold down dog for one to two min at a time to rest. eventually, you will get stroner, you feel like you are tearing up the mat with your hands and feet in down dog. the weight in your hands will shift to your shoulders and your back. it is hard to describle. the beauty of yoga is the process not the destination. there is any destination, you will only deepen your practice, there is no perfect posture for any posts.
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