the fundamental flaw of those economics analysis is that it ignored economic cycles as well as the power of congress and the supreme court.
以下是引用Caffeine在2008-9-11 13:58:00的发言:
the fundamental flaw of those economics analysis is that it ignored economic cycles as well as the power of congress and the supreme court.
现在高院是共和党的the fundamental flaw of those economics analysis is that it ignored economic cycles as well as the power of congress and the supreme court.
最好选个中间派的总统,independent party
以下是引用Caffeine在2008-9-11 13:58:00的发言:
the fundamental flaw of those economics analysis is that it ignored economic cycles as well as the power of congress and the supreme court.
就算计算出来民主党更善于搞经济,但不等于obama更善于搞经济。反对他的,不见得是反对民主党一贯的理念,更多的是不信任他。我支持麦肯也有很大的原因是他的主张更接近民主党右派。the fundamental flaw of those economics analysis is that it ignored economic cycles as well as the power of congress and the supreme court.
以下是引用angeliali在2008-9-11 14:09:00的发言:
Obama should have been eliminated in the resume review process. He shouldn't have got an interview 就算计算出来民主党更善于搞经济,但不等于obama更善于搞经济。反对他的,不见得是反对民主党一贯的理念,更多的是不信任他。我支持麦肯也有很大的原因是他的主张更接近民主党右派。
以下是引用Caffeine在2008-9-11 13:58:00的发言:
the fundamental flaw of those economics analysis is that it ignored economic cycles as well as the power of congress and the supreme court.
the fundamental flaw of those economics analysis is that it ignored economic cycles as well as the power of congress and the supreme court.
统计上讲,的确是民主党总统经济搞得好。 但是对每个总统来说, 近代经济搞得最差的是民主党的卡特, 搞得最好的是民主党克林顿, 生活在小克世代当然不错,可是赶上卡特,就倒霉了。 不知道会不会有人真的看这张表格投票。
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