transvestite就是喜欢穿opposite sex的衣服,是sexual fetish。和性别没有关系。
transgender/transexual和sexual orientation没有必然联系。
are you a boy and girl?
girls, interrupted.我觉得不好看。
girl, interrrupted..
When I watched it, I was only a teenage, and I was depressed at that time. So I could total understand the self-struggles they had...............
That was a sad movie
think my life is pathetic enough due to the torture of my research, so
I choose cheerful movies to watch Cheerful and stupid, better
don't need to use my brain at all
So you should like the summer, a lot of brain-free movies. I just couldn't believe that I indeed watched Ocean 13...........
transgender/transexual和sexual orientation没有必然联系。
There was a transgender student in my college back then. He went on operation and became a girl, even with a new identity. I met her/him in school's hospital, and what a beauty. However, when she/he talked, sounded like a man. Then after she/he left, the nurse told me the story. She has to take hormones all her life. Considering that is in the earlier 90th, and I was just 16, you probably could understand how shock I was.
No matter what, rumor has it that she married her college-mate and now lives in US. Good for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
我对drag queen特别过敏,我现在没见到可以忍受的。这个男的倒还能看,但是别说话别唱歌
it's a good song nevertheless
他妈是公众人物, 你可以随意评价, 只要不真拿斧子去她家砍人谁也管不了你。犯得着咒人家小孩吗?你有几个孩子, 已经能看出5-6岁孩子好坏, 还从眼睛里看?
Besides, as long as he doesn't grow up like you, I think the boy is all right. What you said tells us something about yourself.
这就过分了。does this have to be so personal? By the way, the kid does look .....
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