太感动了,中国人好样的。She will grow up to a big star after having such experiences. Also hope that she will recover soon.
Actually, I think 庞清/佟健(Pang Qing/Tong Jian) did pretty well yesterday, except for the opening. They were perfect in the last 2/3 of their performance. Actually, I believe that they did better than Zhang/Zhang and Shen/Zhao, but the other two pairs got sympathy points because of what they've been through for the past or during the competetion. I am not saying that Zhang/Zhang or Shen/Zhao do not deserve their medals. They sure do. I just regret for Pang/Tong.
Actually, I think 庞清/佟健(Pang Qing/Tong Jian) did pretty well yesterday, except for the opening. They were perfect in the last 2/3 of their performance. Actually, I believe that they did better than Zhang/Zhang and Shen/Zhao, but the other two pairs got sympathy points because of what they've been through for the past or during the competetion. I am not saying that Zhang/Zhang or Shen/Zhao do not deserve their medals. They sure do. I just regret for Pang/Tong.
They are heroes.
昨天看了比赛, 好感动. 我觉得中国每一对选手都滑得很好, 不但技术好, 艺术表现力也很强了. 看到最后那一对摔了以后, 张丹膝盖直打颤, 肯定疼的不行, 竟然回到冰上很漂亮地滑完全程, 太感动了. NBC的解说也充满了对中国运动员的敬佩. NBC还特别制做了一个SPECIAL STORY ABOUT THEIR COACH. 他是中国派出参加国际比赛的第一对双人滑选手.当时中国还没开放, 都不知道别人是怎么训练的. 因为没有钱连教练都没去, 就他们自己去参赛, 摔得好惨, 动作也很难看, 结果他们是最后一名, 还成为当时的笑柄. 没想到20多年后他带出的选手已是世界级的了, 再没人敢小看中国选手了. 真为他们感到骄傲啊!
love that story of Yao Bin
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