Father faces trial over school's 'pro-gay' book
I think this has scared lots of people.
Yes on 8的人是不是就用这个大做宣传啊?
那有人就是喜欢跟teenagers发生关系,教育不教育?要说喜欢,任何人做任何事都可以拿喜欢来做借口,但有些事情是对的,有些事错的,错的事情就不能做,affect school就是错的,就是不能做
你怎么能把同性恋和与teenager 发生关系相提并论? 那个是犯罪啊. 是有公论的大错特错. 但是同性恋,每个人看法不一, 有人觉得对有人觉得错.
我从头到尾就是说, 你要觉得你受不了同性恋或者人家的性行为,那你继续,并且用投票方式或者文明言论发表自己看法. 但是用你所谓的"教育" 强加于别人,搞的自己就是真理似的就很可笑了.
你怎么能把同性恋和与teenager 发生关系相提并论? 那个是犯罪啊. 是有公论的大错特错. 但是同性恋,每个人看法不一, 有人觉得对有人觉得错.
我从头到尾就是说, 你要觉得你受不了同性恋或者人家的性行为,那你继续,并且用投票方式或者文明言论发表自己看法. 但是用你所谓的"教育" 强加于别人,搞的自己就是真理似的就很可笑了.
respect what?! how are you gonna teach your kids to respect people get ****ed in the shithole? how are you gonna explain the sex between gay people to children? Do you have any idea how disgusting it is?
you can play with words, I will say no more.
Good. Do not then, coz you said so.
And I still do not see where I said gay=AS or gay=disgusting. what is wrong with those highlights? they are just truth. are you disgusted by the truth or the fact that I pointed out the truth, or maybe because I should have used bees and flowers instead? I just do not want children to get involved and eventually they would be taught as school if prop8 didn't pass.
教育孩子不为其他目地而作某些事情,其实就是教育孩子要诚实,不要LIE. 你在这个帖子里讲"I KISSED A GIRL"的例子难道是为了让大人教育小孩别撒谎? 这还用说么? 每个家长都会教育的. 我们难道不是在讨论同性恋问题,是否支持同性婚姻么?
我自始至终反对的都是"touch school",我不反对gay,他们爱怎么样就怎么样,但是我不希望小孩子被影响,这也是大多数人反对的原因,我提那首歌的目的是说明小孩子很容易受影响,不要以为反正这个现象已经存在了,就应该随他去,要不然tyra为什么还要专门为了这个做了一期节目。
Good. Do not then, coz you said so.
And I still do not see where I said gay=AS or gay=disgusting. what is wrong with those highlights? they are just truth. are you disgusted by the truth or the fact that I pointed out the truth, or maybe because I should have used bees and flowers instead? I just do not want children to get involved and eventually they would be taught as school if prop8 didn't pass.
gay也有blow job
heterosexual ppl也有anal sex
我自始至终反对的都是"touch school",我不反对gay,他们爱怎么样就怎么样,但是我不希望小孩子被影响,这也是大多数人反对的原因,我提那首歌的目的是说明小孩子很容易受影响,不要以为反正这个现象已经存在了,就应该随他去,要不然tyra为什么还要专门为了这个做了一期节目。
我自始至终反对的都是"touch school",我不反对gay,他们爱怎么样就怎么样,但是我不希望小孩子被影响,这也是大多数人反对的原因,我提那首歌的目的是说明小孩子很容易受影响,不要以为反正这个现象已经存在了,就应该随他去,要不然tyra为什么还要专门为了这个做了一期节目。
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