Yeah, he's freaking gorgeous, but rumor says he's gay.
Yes I heard this rumor too...
but on the other hand, Tom Cruise, Judy Law and a lot other male celebrities had this kinda rumor before, unless they were caught in scandals wih women...
He might be gay still, I just dont take these kinda rumor seriously.....
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-29 9:53:56编辑过]
Link for MTV "We Belong Together"
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-29 15:16:22编辑过]
太帅了... 对了 小went好像是princiton某文学专业毕业的. 他讲话的时候措辞总是很书面很文雅,包括他演的角色都那样.但是这样有风度的男生偶尔讲一点脏话真是hot呀,有没有人记得他某一集里面说 sons of bitches... 有个美国论坛上很多人都对那个地方印象深刻..天哪 我是不是太花痴了
wow~~~~well-educated guy talking dirty is really a big turn-on for girls
i remember seeing him on Jay Leno Tonight Show a while ago. He talked about his education and his writing. But he didn't look as hot as in prison break
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-29 20:45:32编辑过]
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