回复 50楼的帖子
如果被认为的高智商那一方,stereo type 里通常会认为是阿斯伯格,但反而跟娃更容易交流,以及 guide 娃。
那么根据 simulation theory of empathy,更有可能是好比 “calibration” 的问题,而不是 inherently unable to empathy。
Simulation theory of empathy is a theory that holds that humans anticipate and make sense of the behavior of others by activating mental processes that, if carried into action, would produce similar behavior. ... The theory states that children use their own emotions to predict what others will do.
我没有科学根据的猜想 但挺适合对号入座你阐明的夫妻相处之道的反面例子、、、
我先生的前妻可能就是在沟通技巧方面缺乏心理学的知识下 惯性就犯了沟通上和互动上的暴力方法,语言暴力 或 冷暴力 对一段关系带来的拆毁程度 难分彼此。如果遇上一位很有自我保护力的 又会花资源寻根 寻找改善关系 方案的 配偶 如我先生这种人,既然不断的理过,还乱,会给离婚分居设一个定期,期限一满就把这对他本人不健康的夫妻关系斩断。就算后来前妻主动要求复合,他也婉拒了。因为这么多年的数据证明她改不了,就算她成功改了,但会对她的情绪带来不健康的影响。这样衡量,两个人在一齐生活,总有一方要牺牲情绪健康的,这样的生活素质还值得继续下去吗?既然儿女已经成人独立,不需要父母同住一屋檐下表面和睦相处,内裏「困兽之斗」的,他俩继续同住的价值大大降低了,低于值得牺牲自己情绪健康的成本。
我先生之所以选择我做他后半生的生活伴侣,如果从情绪健康这方面评估,he said I am good for him and he is good for me. It is different than what is comfortable for us. What feel comfortable in a relationship doesn't mean it is good for us. 他前妻与家人相处像他父亲,但他父亲对于我先生来说是很难相处的搭配。年轻时还没弄懂这两者之别。实践过,做了 分析,retrospective 才衡量到甚么选择是对他,对大局都是利多于弊的。
他的分析结果使我更进一步想了解为何我和他would works,我是有阿斯伯格「性格」的,起码他前妻是个 neurotypical 她能融入社会职场,独力生存,生活上能自理。 Why a neurotypical person like my Sir would live with me and what he see in me and our relationship would work for long term?
我在楼下会继续拆开这个「谜」、、、回到主題上,how my Sir husband makes our Neurotypical-Aspie relationship works and keep each other healthy?
“这么多神经/精神学家分析归纳这些“disorder”的目的不是把人类通通定义成神经病从而自我否定,而是定义方法论,研究出有针对性的strategy 实现与各种disorder 共存,提高生活质量,改进人际关系。所以我觉得不要怕贴标签,贴上标签了也不代表不正常。”
5 Tips For Loving Someone With Aspergers Syndrome
1. Don’t put the blame solely on your partner.
2. Learn as much as you can about AS.
3. Reframe your partner’s behavior.
4. Be specific about your needs.
5. Talk about how you’d like to connect with each other.
我前夫的应对是个很好用的反面例子。就算他告诉我 他需要我做什么,他的approach沟通法也挺让我费解而且有压迫感的。他问我:「{Do you,You might...} want to {do this, talk to so and so about......}?」
It take me almost 20 year to figure out this is the way he communicates to me about his needs in a specific way.
I completed the task because...
- I interpreted as he is incapable or unwilling to do it himself. Negative result: I don''t respect his ability.
- I better do it, otherwise, he would get angry. Negative result: I would blame myself being Aspie.
- I cannot deal with people who express his/her anger outwardly. Negative reinforcement works on me. Negative result: it consumes too much of my E.Q.
Why take me 20 years to find out? 巧合,我受够了他问我想不想做,我没有一次想做的,但是我不能回答说我不想做。只能照着去做。这是因为我天生,后天cultivate出来的 submissive 性格。结果有一次,我问他,「你为什么问我想不想,以后不用问我想不想,直接叫我做就行了。By default, 你就认知到我不想做的。」他那才解答给我听,其实他希望我来做,但在 他的neurotypical social world 裏,这是需要别人帮忙的沟通语言。但在我的 Aspie 脑袋裏理解的是:他需要我做就要口裏承认需要我来帮嘛,不要硬给我盖帽子说成是我想做,所以去做嘛。让我觉得我的努力奉献付出没有得到公平的acknowledgement。這對我有負面的情緒影響,結果我又多了一樁自己內在疏導情緒的思想工作要做,这样的沟通方法多没效率呢。
在以下的楼层裏,我会post我先生分享的正面实践例子 that works well for us。
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