Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates
Witness the tale of twin children blessed by the crystals, whose inseparable fate leads them on a journey fraught with trials. Experience the journey of Ring of Fates in a compelling single-player mode. Tackle challenging quests with the help of your friends in a cooperative multiplayer mode, or play head-to-head multiplayer mode, both supporting up to four players!
Local Play: 4 Versus / 4 Co-Op
Release Date: March 11, 2008
MSRP: $39.99
这个和上个TWNWY都是我在奥运的时候打完的 (拖了真久!) 说实话没什么要说的,就是普通的pg13版FF故事: 2兄妹一个用sword,一个用magic,以朋友(魔法师,带个pot的矮矮的丫头,不会说话但跳的很高的野蛮人)的帮助, 为老爸老妈报仇的故事。
我觉得故事情节有点无聊,it takes itself too seriously, 看到一堆矮矮的chibi版的人物正经八百的讨论什么父母的爱,兄弟的爱,命运是件满可笑的事情。 结尾倒是挺让人想不到的,而且还可以从玩一遍。
游戏倒是不会很难,也不会简单到无聊,是个打发时间又不会花太多精力的好东西。觉得不错的设计就是很多地方需要4个人的special ability都用到, level设计也不错;不好的地方有:battle system基本上就是hack and slash, 魔法用起来没有那么方便,一些高级的魔法用不了,只能muti-player的时候才能使用起来。
以下贴一些人物照片和screen shots
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-4 15:13:00编辑过]
gameplay, battle system, etc
the world ends with you是个rpg游戏,所以一切rpg里老套的的东西都有,只不过都现代化了一下。 比如说,一般rpg里都是什么mystical的地方,TWEWY里是日本现代商场前 (就是美国纽约5th ave那一块)。一般rpg里的什么水晶啊,剑啊,弓箭啊,在TWEWY里就是一个个pin,每个不同的pin给你的是不同的psychic power. 我要大赞一下这些pin的设计和公能,完全利用的ds的touch screen, 有些是需要砍的,有些是press的,有些是hold的。杀死完怪物也会拿到东西。
TWEWY还利用了ds dual screen的功能。 主角在下面,你用stylus画来画去的打;你的同伴在上面, 可是设置成他自己auto-fight-o, 或是你用左边的direction keys来打。 我建议2个自己都控制,尤其是打boss的时候会容易很多。
rpg又怎么能少的了装备呢! 一般rpg游戏里是什么头盔,armor, 魔法师带的帽子, TWEWY里是现代的服饰店里的东西。像一开始没钱没勇气 (穿某些衣服是需要勇气的),就只能买一些forever 21, gap, 和2手店的衣服, 东西便宜可defense也不多。 到有钱的时候就能买些A&F, hiphop, bebe 和loli店里的东西。 到了最高级的店就是像5th ave, chanel家风格的衣服, 超超超贵的! between我和gg我们玩了3变都还买不起。
当然要是用心存钱也是买的了的,就跟在fashion版一样,你是要买一个chanel包,还是几个mj包,还是一堆A&F, jcrew的衣服?
the world ends with you的世界是一个时尚的世界,每个地区的current trend都不一样, 你要是穿了对的衣服,和用对的武器,所有的功能都能double.
最后,一推再推the world ends with you, 是个男生女生都会喜欢的游戏,还可以玩很多很多遍。
Little Big Planet
[upload=jpg,user39-little big planet 2008.jpg]UploadFile/2008-10/200810415421790400.jpg[/upload]
Media Molecule, the makers of the wildly addictive Rag Doll Kung Fu, now brings its talents to PlayStation 3. Given the cheeky working title The Next Big Thing?, LittleBigPlanet is a game that is also a game making studio.
The LittleBigPlanet experience starts with players learning about their character's powers to interact physically with the environment. There are obstacles to explore, bits and pieces to collect and puzzles to solve – requiring a combination of brains and collaborative teamwork. As players begin to explore, their creative skills will grow and they will be ready to start creating and modifying their surroundings – the first step to sharing them with the whole community. Creativity is part of the gameplay experience and playing is part of the creative experience. Players can make their world as open or as secretive to explore as they like. When it's ready, they can invite anyone within the LittleBigPlanet community to come and explore their patch -- or can go and explore everybody else's.
Local Play: 4 Co-Op
Online Play: 4 Versus / 4 Co-Op
Release Date: October 21, 2008
MSRP: $59.99
如果从gamestop预订游戏的话能拿到special character - god of war里的主角一个
从best buy 预订的话能拿到special character - godess of war *cough cough* i mean heavenly sword女主一个。 我家定了最好买的那只
little big planet - 没有什么故事可言,就是以一个个sack person (下面的那只)为主角,玩家自己做level玩的游戏。 这样的游戏有什么好玩的? 我很难用字来解释,还是贴几个video大家看看吧
p.s. 你们不觉得sackboy 和 以前风靡亚洲的什么voodoo doll很像吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-4 15:56:08编辑过]
Introducing sackboys (吸取以前的教训还是不要直接贴一堆video好了)
sackboy in the wild
sackboy and girl - work together and gameplay
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-4 16:11:39编辑过]
还有Elite Beat Agent(节拍特工),是应援团的美版。这两款玩起来都很欢乐=。=不过毁屏。音乐类游戏的经典还有节奏天国,都很好玩的~
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-6 14:01:40编辑过]
最近玩的有dead space: horror first person shooter game, or as i call it, Bioshock wanna be in space without the cool storyline or the awesome/detailed environment. 因为不是很喜欢就贴个clip吧
几个metal gear的t-shirt - 有老snake的照片
ninja gaiden的手机链 - 我家现在有4个了
这张很好笑吧 - hiding in a box
同学送的 - mario里的得分
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-26 23:53:56编辑过]
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