以下是引用落地无声在11/6/2012 10:24:00 AM的发言:
就是呀。。。。来来来, 谁懂这个的来说说
我家猪头半调子算过,说今年什么什么年,奥8能当选,但他命不好,所以大家跟着一起苦命。。。。。。。就是呀。。。。来来来, 谁懂这个的来说说
以下是引用米虫在11/6/2012 10:26:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用whwanthony在11/6/2012 10:26:00 AM的发言:
Please do some research first before you open your big mouth. The financial collapse in 2008 is not because of GWB, it stems from welfare policy in Clinton administration. He allow that annual income of 40k family to buy 600k house. Bush tried twice to pass bill to restructure Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but democratic senators threaten to filibuster them. from 2006-2008, democrats controlled both congress and senate, so don't blame Bush only. just like don't give all credit to Clinton when republican controlled congress and senate from 1994-2000.
以下是引用whwanthony在11/6/2012 10:26:00 AM的发言:
Please do some research first before you open your big mouth. The financial collapse in 2008 is not because of GWB, it stems from welfare policy in Clinton administration. He allow that annual income of 40k family to buy 600k house. Bush tried twice to pass bill to restructure Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but democratic senators threaten to filibuster them. from 2006-2008, democrats controlled both congress and senate, so don't blame Bush only. just like don't give all credit to Clinton when republican controlled congress and senate from 1994-2000.
以下是引用米虫在11/6/2012 10:26:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用落地无声在11/6/2012 10:05:00 AM的发言:
热,两个都不是好人!为啥ron paul没上来啊,年纪太大?当年麦凯恩那么大岁数身体不好还竞选呢。。。怎么就选了个罗姆尼出来我觉得若没你和O8一样光忽悠
以下是引用米虫在11/6/2012 10:26:00 AM的发言:
俺也觉得08能上,romney实在忒弱了,很难抓住swing voter, 而且连自己本来的hard cord republican很多都弃权了
以下是引用大肚熊在11/6/2012 10:05:00 AM的发言:
回来了。 哈哈。好多人的名字都没听过,就挑着R选。
我知道我要挨板子。但罗姆尼上台打仗的可能性更大。打仗是刺激经济最快捷的方式啊。 run~~~~~~~~~
跟谁打啊?别跟中国打吧回来了。 哈哈。好多人的名字都没听过,就挑着R选。
我知道我要挨板子。但罗姆尼上台打仗的可能性更大。打仗是刺激经济最快捷的方式啊。 run~~~~~~~~~
以下是引用whwanthony在11/6/2012 10:26:00 AM的发言:
Please do some research first before you open your big mouth. The financial collapse in 2008 is not because of GWB, it stems from welfare policy in Clinton administration. He allow that annual income of 40k family to buy 600k house. Bush tried twice to pass bill to restructure Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but democratic senators threaten to filibuster them. from 2006-2008, democrats controlled both congress and senate, so don't blame Bush only. just like don't give all credit to Clinton when republican controlled congress and senate from 1994-2000.
Please do some research first before you open your big mouth. The financial collapse in 2008 is not because of GWB, it stems from welfare policy in Clinton administration. He allow that annual income of 40k family to buy 600k house. Bush tried twice to pass bill to restructure Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but democratic senators threaten to filibuster them. from 2006-2008, democrats controlled both congress and senate, so don't blame Bush only. just like don't give all credit to Clinton when republican controlled congress and senate from 1994-2000.
以下是引用落地无声在11/6/2012 10:23:00 AM的发言:
你也可以说o8运道不好, 他碰到了全球经济大萧条
不过对投资股市的来讲, 他的政绩和90年代末有一拼
你也可以说o8运道不好, 他碰到了全球经济大萧条
不过对投资股市的来讲, 他的政绩和90年代末有一拼
Ron Paul是真正代表美国利益美国思想而不代表利益集团。所以任何一个利益集团都不可能支持他。that is why。
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