我也是六周刚刚流掉了… 大的才十个月 实在是handle不来 还有一堆别的问题, 我是觉得实在没必要指责 当妈的怎么可能不难受去拿掉自己的孩子 做这个决定的时候 跟老公谈了很久 跟双方父母谈 还要跟ob谈 还要跟医生谈… 每说一次 心里就难受一次 我当时决定了以后 心里愧疚的不行 大宝只要敢踢我肚子 我就忍不住想吼她 重感冒也不愿意吃药 本能的想要保护这个孩子能多久是多久… 后来上了手术台 医生给做阴超的时候说 其实已经胎停了 等几天其实自己会流掉的 但是我还是在手术台上哭了 觉得是自己没保护好他… 虽然医生一直说不是我的问题 是本身胚胎质量就不好…
LZMM can you consider adoption instead? I have friend who is in process of adopting so I know lots of details. The adoptive family could help you for reasonable expense happened during your pregnancy, and they will have the newborn right after you give birth. Lots of Chinese do not want to consider this option as they think it lose their faces, but they seldom consider it would help you, help the baby, as well as other families. If you have financial concerns, your other kids are too young, then it is a good time to consider adoption.
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LZMM can you consider adoption instead? I have friend who is in process of adopting so I know lots of details. The adoptive family could help you for reasonable expense happened during your pregnancy, and they will have the newborn right after you give birth. Lots of Chinese do not want to consider this option as they think it lose their faces, but they seldom consider it would help you, help the baby, as well as other families. If you have financial concerns, your other kids are too young, then it is a good time to consider adoption.
krs2004 发表于 2/23/2015 3:53:15 PM [url=][/url]
krs2004 发表于 2/23/2015 3:53:15 PM [url=][/url]
虽然这是个办法,可是总觉得如果知道自己有个孩子在adoptive family,早晚有一天会想去找回来吧
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