jie3, tell me why
every time I watch dora, why do i always think of 11 ne???
nod nod
dont know who yiyi ma will think of ne
ding1 gan1 ma1, floor 356!
I will go out eating la! see you later ha!
Lianlian's second time in big kids story time, much much better than first time
then I was in charge of a "play station" that every kid has to dance with a scarf, and a lot of kids didnt know how, and lianlian was so busy showing everybody how to dance, xs56
I will go out eating la! see you later ha!
Lianlian's second time in big kids story time, much much better than first time
then I was in charge of a "play station" that every kid has to dance with a scarf, and a lot of kids didnt know how, and lianlian was so busy showing everybody how to dance, xs56
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