(已批)All gone.
2010-01-28 17:43:00
09年夏天vs打折的时候帮表妹买的,她刚来美国,搞不清美国的号码,看着便宜让我order了一堆不同的号,本来准备不合适就退的,后来我居然忙忘了,汗死....幸好当时给她下单的时候都留了网络截屏,否则价钱早忘了.所有的bra都是全新,虽然vs网购的东西都不给tag的,但是每个bra都放在寄来时带barcode的塑料袋里. 换班规则,不退不换不负责邮寄中的损坏和丢失,只收BOA转帐,需要dc请另付$0.8,谢谢:-)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/18 17:07:07编辑过]
1. pink(32B)
[upload=jpg,pink 32b.jpg]UploadFile/2010-1/201012818241827998.jpg[/upload][此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/18 17:08:07编辑过]
2. 第二个pink和第一个很象,32c,padding厚点,原价$40.5,$20+tax+shipping入,还是$15.88(要我发发,哈哈).截屏中显示黑色,我买的是白底,里面是粉红白点点内衬.
[upload=jpg,32c pink.jpg]UploadFile/2010-1/201012818223715414.jpg[/upload][此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/18 17:08:51编辑过]
第三个是ipex multiway,32b,白色带透明肩带(用塑料绳连在bra上的),五种穿法,原来$38, 我买成$28.5+tax+shipping,现在$15.88(要我发发,哈哈).
[upload=jpg,ipex 32b.jpg]UploadFile/2010-1/201012818255034202.jpg[/upload]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/18 17:09:23编辑过]
4. Miracle bra demi-pushup, 34b,是肉色不是图中的黑色,肩带可拆.原来$50,买成$19.99+tax+shipping.现在$15.88(要我发发,哈哈). [upload=jpg,34b.jpg]UploadFile/2010-1/201012818275435227.jpg[/upload]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/18 17:09:50编辑过]
终于编辑好了....如果mm要实物图的话我可以照. 对了,我收boa转帐...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 18:33:43编辑过]
what's the size?
Just want you to know -- If the bras are still new, you can return them and get store credit even though you bought them last summer. VS has one of the best return systems, I think. Return shipping is $5.99 for everything. You do not need pre-approval, just fill out a return form.
以下是引用CAdream在1/28/2010 5:57:00 PM的发言:
Just want you to know -- If the bras are still new, you can return them and get store credit even though you bought them last summer. VS has one of the best return systems, I think. Return shipping is $5.99 for everything. You do not need pre-approval, just fill out a return form.
如果东西少可以不用那个return form自己用usps寄回去,更便宜的Just want you to know -- If the bras are still new, you can return them and get store credit even though you bought them last summer. VS has one of the best return systems, I think. Return shipping is $5.99 for everything. You do not need pre-approval, just fill out a return form.
以下是引用CAdream在1/28/2010 5:57:00 PM的发言:
Just want you to know -- If the bras are still new, you can return them and get store credit even though you bought them last summer. VS has one of the best return systems, I think. Return shipping is $5.99 for everything. You do not need pre-approval, just fill out a return form.
Just want you to know -- If the bras are still new, you can return them and get store credit even though you bought them last summer. VS has one of the best return systems, I think. Return shipping is $5.99 for everything. You do not need pre-approval, just fill out a return form.
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