隔壁virigina楼里那个hung cao不是说 Cao said, “But no one in the United States is like, ‘oh my gosh, I will die if I don''t have health care’ because hospitals are required by law to take you in.”
隔壁virigina楼里那个hung cao不是说 Cao said, “But no one in the United States is like, ‘oh my gosh, I will die if I don't have health care’ because hospitals are required by law to take you in.”
是啊, 当然接受啦,但是用好药,坏药和有没有保险是有关的。
救活了,就收账单啦。一穷二白的,不付账单,破产就好。我们这种有资产的,不付账单,赖着? 信用分低的什么都干不了? 这种日子你觉得比买个保险要自在的话,完全没问题。但是很多人希望可以选择买保险,可以过不赖账的生活。
回复 1楼 dpdpdp 的帖子
穷人的医疗保险也叫“福利”?那不然呢?想某国一样先交钱再看病,活活看病人死在眼前?另外拿Medicaid 的有1/3 不知道,这是多小一部分人?
That is for emergency and dead poor only. If you have any unpaid medical bills, expect a call from the debit collector soon. The only other way out from huge medical bills was to file a bankruptcy.
dahlias_bloom 发表于 2024-11-05 15:48
隔壁virigina楼里那个hung cao不是说 Cao said, “But no one in the United States is like, ‘oh my gosh, I will die if I don''t have health care’ because hospitals are required by law to take you in.”
Hung Cao is either stupid or sick-minded.
是啊, 然后欠医院很多钱,相信医院也会开始reject patients...到时候没保险没地方去看病,这是川粉要的。。
回复 94楼 hting16888 的帖子
dahlias_bloom 发表于 2024-11-05 15:48
隔壁virigina楼里那个hung cao不是说 Cao said, “But no one in the United States is like, ‘oh my gosh, I will die if I don''t have health care’ because hospitals are required by law to take you in.”
Hung Cao is either stupid or sick-minded.
cannot agree more...我差点被隔壁楼骗了,结果看下poll Tim Kaine ahead by quite a bit..
我记忆之中,自从Obamacare之后,这个版上失业了的人上来问问题的,为医疗保险恐慌的人几乎没有了。在那之前,被layoff 的人恐慌的很大一个原因是医疗保险。
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