Fifty-seven percent of voters approved the ballot initiative in Florida, three percentage points short of passing. Florida voted down the initiative even as voters there favor legal abortion by 65%. Among supporters of legal abortion, 14% voted against the amendment, according to preliminary exit poll results.
In Florida, filing an amendment to adjust state laws or the constitution on issues like abortion is possible, but it comes with a rigorous process due to specific petition and voting requirements. Here’s an overview of the steps and challenges:
1. Drafting and Approval Process
- Drafting: Proponents need to draft the amendment language carefully. Florida’s Supreme Court reviews proposed amendment language to ensure it adheres to the "single-subject rule" (limiting the amendment to one main issue) and is clear and unambiguous. Any ambiguity could lead the court to reject the amendment.
- Attorney General Review: The amendment must then be reviewed by Florida’s Attorney General, who can raise concerns before the Supreme Court review.
2. Gathering Signatures
- Signature Requirement: To get an amendment on the ballot, petitioners must collect signatures from registered voters equaling at least 8% of the votes cast in the last presidential election. For the 2024 ballot, this translates to over 891,000 signatures.
- Geographic Distribution: The signatures must also come from at least half of Florida’s congressional districts (14 out of 28 districts), ensuring statewide support.
3. Ballot Placement and Campaigning
- Verification: Each signature must be verified, which can be time-consuming and costly.
- Campaigning: Even if the amendment qualifies for the ballot, proponents face the hurdle of Florida’s 60% supermajority requirement for passage. This requires significant campaigning and funding to secure broad support, often costing millions of dollars.
4. Potential Opposition
- Opposition Campaigns: Well-funded opposition groups may challenge the amendment through public campaigns or legal challenges, adding another layer of difficulty.
This multi-step process makes it challenging to file and pass amendments in Florida, particularly on divisive issues like abortion, where broad consensus is hard to achieve.
In Florida, filing an amendment to adjust state laws or the constitution on issues like abortion is possible, but it comes with a rigorous process due to specific petition and voting requirements. Here’s an overview of the steps and challenges:
1. Drafting and Approval Process
- Drafting: Proponents need to draft the amendment language carefully. Florida’s Supreme Court reviews proposed amendment language to ensure it adheres to the "single-subject rule" (limiting the amendment to one main issue) and is clear and unambiguous. Any ambiguity could lead the court to reject the amendment.
- Attorney General Review: The amendment must then be reviewed by Florida’s Attorney General, who can raise concerns before the Supreme Court review.
2. Gathering Signatures
- Signature Requirement: To get an amendment on the ballot, petitioners must collect signatures from registered voters equaling at least 8% of the votes cast in the last presidential election. For the 2024 ballot, this translates to over 891,000 signatures.
- Geographic Distribution: The signatures must also come from at least half of Florida’s congressional districts (14 out of 28 districts), ensuring statewide support.
3. Ballot Placement and Campaigning
- Verification: Each signature must be verified, which can be time-consuming and costly.
- Campaigning: Even if the amendment qualifies for the ballot, proponents face the hurdle of Florida’s 60% supermajority requirement for passage. This requires significant campaigning and funding to secure broad support, often costing millions of dollars.
4. Potential Opposition
- Opposition Campaigns: Well-funded opposition groups may challenge the amendment through public campaigns or legal challenges, adding another layer of difficulty.
This multi-step process makes it challenging to file and pass amendments in Florida, particularly on divisive issues like abortion, where broad consensus is hard to achieve.
Fifty-seven percent of voters approved the ballot initiative in Florida, three percentage points short of passing. Florida voted down the initiative even as voters there favor legal abortion by 65%. Among supporters of legal abortion, 14% voted against the amendment, according to preliminary exit poll results.
In Florida, filing an amendment to adjust state laws or the constitution on issues like abortion is possible, but it comes with a rigorous process due to specific petition and voting requirements. Here’s an overview of the steps and challenges:
1. Drafting and Approval Process
- Drafting: Proponents need to draft the amendment language carefully. Florida’s Supreme Court reviews proposed amendment language to ensure it adheres to the "single-subject rule" (limiting the amendment to one main issue) and is clear and unambiguous. Any ambiguity could lead the court to reject the amendment.
- Attorney General Review: The amendment must then be reviewed by Florida’s Attorney General, who can raise concerns before the Supreme Court review.
2. Gathering Signatures
- Signature Requirement: To get an amendment on the ballot, petitioners must collect signatures from registered voters equaling at least 8% of the votes cast in the last presidential election. For the 2024 ballot, this translates to over 891,000 signatures.
- Geographic Distribution: The signatures must also come from at least half of Florida’s congressional districts (14 out of 28 districts), ensuring statewide support.
3. Ballot Placement and Campaigning
- Verification: Each signature must be verified, which can be time-consuming and costly.
- Campaigning: Even if the amendment qualifies for the ballot, proponents face the hurdle of Florida’s 60% supermajority requirement for passage. This requires significant campaigning and funding to secure broad support, often costing millions of dollars.
4. Potential Opposition
- Opposition Campaigns: Well-funded opposition groups may challenge the amendment through public campaigns or legal challenges, adding another layer of difficulty.
This multi-step process makes it challenging to file and pass amendments in Florida, particularly on divisive issues like abortion, where broad consensus is hard to achieve.
smartshanshan 发表于 2024-11-08 13:47
不要放弃! 你们知道妇女参政是什么时候开始提出来的吗? 独立战争的时候 John Adams 的太太 Abigail Adams 在给他丈夫的信里就已经提到了, 没错, 那时候美国还没有独立。而赋予女性选举权的 19th Amendment是1919年6月4号通过的。立法不容易, 州里的斗争和联邦的斗争要同时展开, 不能轻易放弃。
选哈里斯也保证不了堕胎权啊,要两院在手,参院还要60,奥巴马刚上任,两院在手,参院都快60了,是最好的机会立法,民主党不是也没立法吗?提都没提过吧。还有dreamer, 一直拿着来吊着拉丁裔,竞选说是最重要的事,上台就忘了。在州范围立法哪就简单多了啊。AZ 选了川普,也通过了堕胎权,不矛盾啊
是的 AZ证明了选民们可以既要GOP又要堕胎权 这是DEM最害怕的
Hesterhql 发表于 2024-11-08 09:18
看你这居高临下的口气, 啧啧
FL有57%支持堕胎松绑, 另外通过的7个州也有红州, 这些选票难道是蓝州人民替她们投的?
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