川普嘴巴很贱,但是他执政4年和民主党执政4年包括Obama执政的4年,都是亲身经历的,红州蓝州都住过,各有各的好处和坏处,这些都是亲身经历,不是在虚拟网络上不知道对方是什么骂来骂去和妖魔化对方就能改变的。毛泽东以前就说过,共和党是实在的,民主党净是虚的,在美国住了20年,觉得毛泽东看问题还是挺准的。说实话我觉得美国三权分立,谁赢了都不会有太大的变动,不过就是调调方向而已,具体到每个人的生活,还是得看大众素质, 又不是跟川普或者哈哈姐结婚过日子.... 对个人影响没有那么大。有一对朋友夫妇,老公永远投共和党,老婆永远投民主党的,人家超级和谐幸福
现在的民主党已经早已背离了自由主义的初衷,往暴力共产大政府的方向一路狂奔,所以很多人都弃党了,今年vote registration,共和党高出民主党,一般人是independent。
堕胎权并不是去鼓励孕妇去堕掉健康的胎儿,而是保护意外怀孕,孕妇健康问题,胎儿畸形这些情形。这都是common sense。德州是孕妇即使有生命危险医生也不敢帮着堕胎,只能看着。
这话说的实在 到底哪四年过得好 人民又不是傻子 钱包过去四年血流不止 啥啥都涨了20-40%甚至更高
我很不解,一个听了Chinese virus没啥感觉甚至乐不可支的人,为什么觉得“黄川粉"就是骂人?
John Fetterman eventually admits to Joe Rogan that Democrats' 'Border Bill' merely converted illegal immigrants into legal immigrants, rather than preventing illegal immigration:
John Fetterman: "I've never witnessed those kinds of a thing." [Illegals voting]
I don't think there's that level kinds of organization."
Joe Rogan: "But there is an organization that's moving these people [illegals] to swing states. There's a significant number of these people that are illegal immigrants that have made their way to swing states.
And then there's been calls for amnesty. There's been calls for allowing these people to have a pathway to citizenship and allow them to vote.
The fear that a lot of people have is that this is a coordinated effort to take these people that you're allowing to come into the country, then you're providing them with all sorts of services like food stamps and housing and setting them up and then providing a pathway to amnesty.
And then you would have voters that would be significantly voting towards the Democrats because they're the people that enabled them to come into the country in the first place, first place and provided them with those services. This is a big fear that people have and that you're rigging this system and that this will turn all these states into essentially locked blue like California is."
John Fetterman: "Well, you know, it's what immigration's always going to be a tough issue in our nation.
I voted for for the border deal and that and that went down. They had an opportunity to do a comprehensive border bipartisan and that went down because Trump he declared that that that's that's a bad deal after it was negotiated with with the other side."
Joe Rogan: "But was didn't that deal also involved amnesty and didn't that deal also involve a significant number of illegal aliens being allowed into the country every year? I think it was 2 million people. So still the same sort of situation. And their fear is exactly what I talked about, that these people will be moved to swing states and that that will be used to essentially rig those states and turn them blue forever."
John Fetterman: "Undeniably, immigration is changing our nation. And I think it's generally for a good."
Joe Rogan: 'Democrats are importing illegals into swing states to rig elections'
John Fetterman: 'Immigration is changing our nation, and I think it's generally for a good'
Look at Fetterman and Rogan agreeing
John Fetterman eventually admits to Joe Rogan that Democrats' 'Border Bill' merely converted illegal immigrants into legal immigrants, rather than preventing illegal immigration:
— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) November 2, 2024
John Fetterman: "I've never witnessed those kinds of a thing." [Illegals voting]
I don't think… pic.twitter.com/sEs6Xd0pEJ
我很不解,一个听了Chinese virus没啥感觉甚至乐不可支的人,为什么觉得“黄川粉"就是骂人?
因为他们知道做黄川粉是不光彩的事情,做chinese virus是倍有面子的
"川普说中国留学生都是间谍" 在这篇文章里根本没有直接证据, 唯一相关的是这句话:
"At one point during the dinner, Trump noted of an unnamed country that the attendee said was clearly China, “almost every student that comes over to this country is a spy.”"
这个惊悚的新闻消息来源肯定是某个参加这次晚宴的"匿名人士". 以左媒的尿性,有关川普的这种新闻实在太多了. 即使是发生在大庭广众之下的事情,他们也敢断章取义掐头去尾,制造新闻, 何况是这种匿名爆料. 当然,如果有人相信他是一个种族主义者,chinese hater, 那么对此深信不疑,也无可厚非. 不过,在正常人眼中, 左媒的牺牲品或他们能操弄的工具里,又多了几个可怜虫罢了.
yqqlm 发表于 2024-11-03 10:58
主粪一贯如此,靠篡改文字来指鹿为马的无理取闹,前面就把“宫保鸡丁”改成“宫爆鸡”,然后说“鸡“是侮辱他了!人家说corvid是chinese virus,主粪说是说中国人是virus!
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