那你得给你们建国出意见不要制造业回流了 因为 成本在那 高了 做出了 卖不出 除非政府规定一定要买
问题那些老中员工都是“临时工”啊, 和正式员工不存在竞争关系。 没有这些底薪老中临时工,就老美这工作效率和工资等cost,你让曹大老板喝西北风啊?
正式员工恨的就是临时工啊。 随叫随到, 工资低, 干活多,任劳任怨。 有这样的对照, 自己先不说能不能加薪, 工作都不保。 这不就是美国制造业的问题吗? 梦想制造业回流, 资本家不干啊。当然川粉坚信川普必能让全美上下,特别是资本家勒紧裤腰带, 把血汗工厂都搬回来。
他们这个厂现在厂房都造不起来,台湾带的图纸,要换成英尺制, 一个造7nm 芯片的工厂还有可能吗
The suit quotes a process integration engineer in Arizona as saying, “the company has recently begun to bully some employees into resigning due to poor performance without proper training,” and Taiwanese locals often replace “[t]hose who quit.”
To filter out U.S. workers, the lawsuit claims job candidates are asked to provide their national origin in the application process, and job postings often list proficiency in Mandarin or Chinese as a requirement, even when it’s not essential.
The suit claims that once hired, Taiwanese higher-ups regularly speak “Chenglish” when they want to restrict information with non-East Asian employees or confuse them, preventing U.S. workers from opportunities to advance in the company.
“What we allege [is that] there is a cultural preference for one type of person, and that cultural preference, we believe, is what’s dictating their hiring, promotion, and termination practices,” Kotchen said. “The cultural preference cannot stand.”
inch 烦的勒,cm 多好换算的。
支持美国工人起诉 lol
The suit claims that once hired, Taiwanese higher-ups regularly speak “Chenglish” when they want to restrict information with non-East Asian employees or confuse them,
讲话有口音 用词 词序之类的都是理由了?
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