请问有没有MM知道,能不能专门开一个traditional IRA account就是为了backdoor Roth IRA的。就是说已经有一个traditional IRA里面有钱,但是好像网上说backdoor Roth的话,好像somehow有些复杂,可能原来账户里以后老了取出来时交税时计算有些麻烦什么的。所以想能不能开一个traditional IRA作为backdoor Roth IRA专用的?
请问有没有MM知道,能不能专门开一个traditional IRA account就是为了backdoor Roth IRA的。就是说已经有一个traditional IRA里面有钱,但是好像网上说backdoor Roth的话,好像somehow有些复杂,可能原来账户里以后老了取出来时交税时计算有些麻烦什么的。所以想能不能开一个traditional IRA作为backdoor Roth IRA专用的?
trapent2 发表于 4/15/2016 3:35:25 PM [url=][/url]
trapent2 发表于 4/15/2016 3:35:25 PM [url=][/url]
你这个开也白开。因为那个计算是按照你名下所有traditional ira accounts合起来算的。
但现在他们就一口咬定1099r box 2a must flow to line 15b!!! you cannot reason with stupid ppl!
hehe, is your 1099r line 2b checked? if so, that means the payer cannot decide the taxability of the distribution even though there is an amount in line 2a (line 2a should be blank when line 2b was checked except for IRAs). There are many stupid pp out there in the firm, lol. and they don't want to admit they made a mistake and always point fingers... typical environment in the firm, hehe
天子呼来不上床 发表于 4/15/2016 3:30:37 PM [url=][/url]
但现在他们就一口咬定1099r box 2a must flow to line 15b!!! you cannot reason with stupid ppl!
hehe, is your 1099r line 2b checked? if so, that means the payer cannot decide the taxability of the distribution even though there is an amount in line 2a (line 2a should be blank when line 2b was checked except for IRAs). There are many stupid pp out there in the firm, lol. and they don't want to admit they made a mistake and always point fingers... typical environment in the firm, hehe
天子呼来不上床 发表于 4/15/2016 3:30:37 PM [url=][/url]
2b check啦,所以我跟他们说,你看看他们怎么回:
“There is still an amount on the taxable line, on your tax transcript this form will show up as income. The fact that the box is checked off does not mean the IRS will not question it. It means there potential to taxable items in the amount. And an amount on the taxable line form.”
“There is still an amount on the taxable line, on your tax transcript this form will show up as income. The fact that the box is checked off does not mean the IRS will not question it. It means there potential to taxable items in the amount. And an amount on the taxable line form.”
回复 [url=]1楼天子呼来不上床的帖子[/url]
刚在网上搜出一个文章,conversion from traditional IRA to Roth IRA is subject to pro rata rule. 如果你的traditional IRA 是混合的deductible and non deductible, convert 的时候, 针对deductible portion还是要交税,尽管你convert的lump sum里有non deductible portion.
你其实可以和partner达成协议,按你的方法报,将来收到IRS notice 你自己负责回复和一切后果。代表客户回复IRS挺麻烦的,所以很多CPA想保守一些,防止日后麻烦。你在service contract 加上这些,估计他们会同意按你的方法报。不然就换个听话的CPA, 其实大firm有时也店大欺人,宁愿你多交点税,也怕自己麻烦,不太会为小利益fight for client
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