express77 发表于 7/29/2019 10:16:43 PM [url=https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2439174&postid=81007506#81007506][img][/img][/url]
Confuse 发表于 7/30/2019 1:24:25 PM [url=https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2439174&postid=81010875#81010875][img][/img][/url]
lewu1116 发表于 7/30/2019 12:57:11 PM [url=/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2439174&postid=81010666#81010666][img][/img][/url][/url]
这次暴乱出来的时机时间就知道是谁搞的,可笑了。 土工早一年不“搞乱”香港,晚一年不“搞乱”香港, 偏偏在几十年大庆前夕故意搞乱香港? 逻辑糊弄三岁小孩呢。没事在华人上叫唤什么,你还不如上街打警察呢。
lovejames 发表于 7/30/2019 12:29:40 PM [url=http://rd2.huaren4us.com/huaren.php?hrtopic_id=2439174&hrurl=%2fshowtopic.aspx%3ftopicid%3d2439174%26amp%3bpostid%3d81010480%2381010480][img][/img][/url][/url]
独运轮基, 前两个智商还算靠谱。后两个就...
northernpike 发表于 7/30/2019 12:32:25 PM 又要美国背锅了,这位小粉红对美国的恨真是咬牙切齿日月可见
---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
nexcare 发表于 7/30/2019 3:10:08 PM [url=https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2439174&postid=81011721#81011721][img][/img][/url]
Mintcafe 发表于 7/30/2019 2:28:11 PM [url=https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2439174&postid=81011364#81011364][img][/img][/url]
Mintcafe 发表于 7/30/2019 2:28:11 PM [url=https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2439174&postid=81011364#81011364][img][/img][/url]
At around 10:30 pm, about a hundred white-shirted assailants appeared at Yuen Long railway station and attacked commuters in the concourse indiscriminately, on the platform and inside train compartments.[19][20] Two police officers arrived at 10:52 pm.[17] However, they left the station as they judged that they were outnumbered by the assailants[20] and did not have sufficient gear, according to the police.[21] Thirty police officers arrived at the station at 11:20 pm, but the assailants had left.[21] Due to the violence, trains bypassed Yuen Long station between 10:56 pm and 11:19 pm,[22] and the station was ordered closed at 11:55 pm.[16] However, after midnight, white-shirted assailants forced open the station's shutters to launch a second wave of attacks on passengers; no police officers were at the scene then.[21] In all, at least 45 citizens were reported injured,[23] including Legislative Council member Lam Cheuk-ting and two reporters; one other journalist had their equipment smashed.[24][25]
Citizens made calls to the emergency hotline upon seeing the armed group assembling at around 7:00 pm, and an MTR spokesman said the first call by the MTR to the police was made at around 10:45 pm, but police officers arrived more than three hours after initial calls for help were made.[26][27] The local police call centre received hundreds of calls between 10 pm and midnight,[28] and some citizens could not connect to the reporting hotline.[29] The management of Yoho Mall, a shopping mall next to Yuen Long station, also attempted to call the police but they could not get in touch with them.[23] The police station near Yuen Long shut its gate in response to the hundreds that turned up to report the incident.
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