<FONT color=#44BB44 size=2><STRONG>『08年报税季节活动』resident</S
2009-03-18 03:19:00
1。我现在不能确定自己到底是NR 还是resident alien。
我现在F1(NY state)第二个学年,07年来美,呆了133天。 08年在美国343天
但是在05-06年曾到美国来exchange,当时也是F-1(CA state),05年12月31日到美国,06年有169天在美国。
今天准备用学校推荐的CINTAX(专门给NR报税的软件)报税时,他说我是resident alien(去年也是用这个软件,按照NR报的)。但是我并没有以F-1身份在美国超过5年啊,除非09年也算?
我在算每年在美国居留的天数时,是按最大化算得(比如2005年12月31日到,那么在美国算是呆了1天,06年6月18日离开,这天也算),这样用publication 519里面的方法算出来2008年就是resident了。但是我刚才去查publication 519里面说算天数的时候,如果有一天是在transition between US and another country (我理解就是在美国入境或出境的当天)没有在当天呆满24小时(既然这天在入境/出境应该肯定不满24小时啦)这一天应该不算的。
这样算法,05年我在美国的天数为0。 06年为168天,07年为132天,08年为341天。 我在CINTAX里试了这样2008年算是NR。
请问这个天数究竟是怎么算?我到底是resident还是non resident?
另外,我在90-92年曾经以J-2身份(那时我小,父母在美国读书,后来全家回国)在美国居留。那3年中每年都超过183天的(VA state)。现在报税还用计算那个时候的时间么?
2。即使2008年federal tax我是resident, state tax也仍然是NR吧?因为在NY没有呆到5年?
3。我应该填什么表呢? 1040还是1040EZ。我的收入很简单,一份1042-S for fellowship,还有一份W-2 for wages。fellowship 部分withheld tax应该都退, wages 里面有5000块可以享受treaty对不对?
我的 deduction应该只有charity donation吧,因为没买车买房也没有结婚生小孩,是不是就没有什么别的可以deduct的?donatoin大概有2000块左右,是不是应该用 standard deduction?
4. 对于resident银行存款的利息也要交税,但是我没有收到银行的信说2008年的利息共有多少withhold多少税,是不是就认为他们没有给我withhold过?我是不是就查查statement把所有的利息加起来(利息很少都是savings account里面每个月那一点点)算一下,还是应该通知银行叫他们给我寄信?
1。我现在不能确定自己到底是NR 还是resident alien。
我现在F1(NY state)第二个学年,07年来美,呆了133天。 08年在美国343天
但是在05-06年曾到美国来exchange,当时也是F-1(CA state),05年12月31日到美国,06年有169天在美国。
今天准备用学校推荐的CINTAX(专门给NR报税的软件)报税时,他说我是resident alien(去年也是用这个软件,按照NR报的)。但是我并没有以F-1身份在美国超过5年啊,除非09年也算?
我在算每年在美国居留的天数时,是按最大化算得(比如2005年12月31日到,那么在美国算是呆了1天,06年6月18日离开,这天也算),这样用publication 519里面的方法算出来2008年就是resident了。但是我刚才去查publication 519里面说算天数的时候,如果有一天是在transition between US and another country (我理解就是在美国入境或出境的当天)没有在当天呆满24小时(既然这天在入境/出境应该肯定不满24小时啦)这一天应该不算的。
这样算法,05年我在美国的天数为0。 06年为168天,07年为132天,08年为341天。 我在CINTAX里试了这样2008年算是NR。
请问这个天数究竟是怎么算?我到底是resident还是non resident?
另外,我在90-92年曾经以J-2身份(那时我小,父母在美国读书,后来全家回国)在美国居留。那3年中每年都超过183天的(VA state)。现在报税还用计算那个时候的时间么?
2。即使2008年federal tax我是resident, state tax也仍然是NR吧?因为在NY没有呆到5年?
3。我应该填什么表呢? 1040还是1040EZ。我的收入很简单,一份1042-S for fellowship,还有一份W-2 for wages。fellowship 部分withheld tax应该都退, wages 里面有5000块可以享受treaty对不对?
我的 deduction应该只有charity donation吧,因为没买车买房也没有结婚生小孩,是不是就没有什么别的可以deduct的?donatoin大概有2000块左右,是不是应该用 standard deduction?
4. 对于resident银行存款的利息也要交税,但是我没有收到银行的信说2008年的利息共有多少withhold多少税,是不是就认为他们没有给我withhold过?我是不是就查查statement把所有的利息加起来(利息很少都是savings account里面每个月那一点点)算一下,还是应该通知银行叫他们给我寄信?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-18 19:17:28编辑过]
我和老公都是持J1. 老公06年8月分来美国,我是07年12月来美。女儿08拈12月出生。目前老公已经扣掉SS和Medicare税。我来美之后由于没有及时添相关文件导致一月份被扣掉Federal tax。请问:
1。 老公的SS何Medicare 能否找回来?
The most important thing is: Is your husband a J-1 student or J-1 nonstudent?
J-1 student: J-1 students and their dependents are "exempt individuals" (exempt from counting the days from the substential presence test) for 5 years throughout their lifetime. So if he is a student, he will remain non-resident alien for 5 years, and during these 5 years, SS and medicare taxes should not be withheld from his income. Ask the institution to refund him.
J-1 nonstudent: J-1 non-students (post-doc, visiting-scholar, etc) and their dependents are only "exempt individuals" 2 years out of every 6 years. So if he is non-student, then it is normal his SS and Medicare taxes are withheld, become he becomes a resident alien for tax purposes although his immigrant status is still a non-resident alien.
It is normal for your wages to be different on W-2 and 1042-S, become they report different things. W-2 reports your income that you provided services for (ie. TA/RA), 1042-S reports income that you did not provide services for (example, fellowship, scholarship). you came to US in 2007, so you do not need to pay income tax in 2008. You should try to contact your institution to see they can refund the taxes that they have withheld. If not, you should then fill out forms to ask it back from IRS.
I am not familiar with that. But I think it depends on how you file your taxes. Since your husband is a resident alien, you can either file separately as a NRor file jointly with him as a resident. Then you would have more deductions, personal deduction and standard deduction, I think.
I think you are talking about 1040NR and 1040 forms. NR forms are for non-residents. 1040 forms are for residents. depending on your residency for tax purposes, you would be filing different forms.
Normally the ISSO at your institution would provide information on filing taxes for international students and scholars, they may also have a free online software you can use for filling our 1040NR forms.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-19 22:36:37编辑过]
我们的情况是:一方是F1,去年没收入;一方是h1b。按married jointly file, 这种情况还能用给F1的减5000刀的treaty吗?
no, the 5000 treaty only applies when the F1 earned money. If you did not earn money, IRS will not just give you 5000USD.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-23 19:07:22编辑过]
I think in 2008 you are dual-status (part of the time NR and part of the time R). 3 years exempt from tax does not mean counting 36 months from the day you boarded US. You count the years you are in US (06, 07, 08).
So from Jan 08-July 08 (7 months instead of 10 months like you said) you are exempt from taxes, but from then on you are H1 and need to pay taxes.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-24 22:14:14编辑过]
另外帮朋友也问一个, 朋友2008年收入很少, w2上只有5000多, 他自己有一些零工cash收入, 是不是他w2超过4200已经够能social security积四点?
Yes, in 2008, every $1050 earned is worth 1 credit. In 2009 it is increased to $1090.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-24 22:14:30编辑过]
我是绿卡,full time学生。这种情况好像是不用交ssn and medicare tax的。但是好像有人说教的越早越好。请问我可以自己主动交吗?
full time students, no matter foreign or domestic, do not need to pay ssn and medicare taxes. If you want to pay though, I think you should contact the payroll office and tell them to withhold.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-24 22:13:58编辑过]
去年公司多给了一个月的工资(税前) 作为RELOCATION FEE. 拿到W-2 以后,发现INCOME 比实际收入(工资加RELOCATION FEE) 高出好几千. FEDERAL TAX 和 STATE TAX 也比实际的高.
问过PAYROLL 的人说是多加了RELOCATION FEE 的原因.难道W-2 上显示的不应该是我所有的税前的实际收入吗?
Apart from the relocation fee (equal to one month's salary), did they reimburse you on other moving expenses? If so, they might have added that to your W-2, I think.
W-2 should represent the total wages and tips you got. If you did not get any other reimbursement (the part that "高出好几千"), I think you need your company to reissue you a correct W-2.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-24 22:18:52编辑过]
NO. If you are self employment, you can report home office and deducte part of your rental. If you are self employment, you can report some meals expenses.
Exactly, everyone has his/her own situations. If all rent and meals are deductable, how does the US government collect taxes at all?
For residents, you can choose either standard deduction or itemized deduction, whichever gives you more benefit. For most people, standard deduction is better, unless you have loans for buying houses/ own a business and use home office / give lots of charitable donations (and these deductions must add up to > 5450 ).
Don't get nervous just because you heard someone say something is deductable and you did not deduct it. They may have a totally different situation.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-26 2:01:17编辑过]
1. Did you make your donation to a US organization?
2. Do you have the receipt or bank record?
3. Are you using itemized deduction?
If all three answers are "YES", then you can report this amount on schedule A and file it with 1040.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-30 10:56:56编辑过]
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