2011-09-13 01:28:00
以下是引用linyao在9/12/2011 7:40:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用小虎子在9/12/2011 5:06:00 PM的发言:
只是不是一份permanent的工作罢了,但是还是一份full time的工作。
这个mm的观点很有意思,情绪也很高亢。Postdoc不是一份工作。工作是给qualified professional,postdoc说难听点就是
残酷的 现实就是:你没有办法或者没有ready for工作,所以你还在training. 既然是post-doctoral training,就不能
享受正式工 作的待遇。话说怀孕妇女在正规的工作场合受歧视也是经常发生的,这是一个社会现象。很多版上的有正式工
作的mm也不敢怀孕就1个星期不会老板的email吧。下面是wiki对postdoctoral得解释。postdoc的under pay和unfair
treatment是普遍现象,不是中国PI萎缩,所以对 同胞极尽压迫,不讲仁义道德。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/13 1:51:55编辑过]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Postdoctoral research is scholarly research conducted by a person who has recently completed doctoral studies, normally within the previous five years. It is intended to further deepen expertise in a specialist subject, including necessary skills and methods. Postdoctoral research is often considered essential to the scholarly mission of the host institution and is expected to produce relevant publications accordingly. In some countries, postdoctoral research may lead to further formal qualifications or certification, while in other countries, it does not.
Postdoctoral research may be funded through an appointment with a salary or an appointment with a stipend or sponsorship award. Appointments for such a research position may be called Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Postdoctoral Research Associate, or Postdoctoral Research Assistant. Depending on the type of appointment, postdoctoral researchers may work independently or under the supervision of a principal investigator. However, a designated postdoctoral research appointment may also be taken up when other suitable positions are not available, rather than merely pursuing the deepening of scholarly experience.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Postdoctoral research is scholarly research conducted by a person who has recently completed doctoral studies, normally within the previous five years. It is intended to further deepen expertise in a specialist subject, including necessary skills and methods. Postdoctoral research is often considered essential to the scholarly mission of the host institution and is expected to produce relevant publications accordingly. In some countries, postdoctoral research may lead to further formal qualifications or certification, while in other countries, it does not.
Postdoctoral research may be funded through an appointment with a salary or an appointment with a stipend or sponsorship award. Appointments for such a research position may be called Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Postdoctoral Research Associate, or Postdoctoral Research Assistant. Depending on the type of appointment, postdoctoral researchers may work independently or under the supervision of a principal investigator. However, a designated postdoctoral research appointment may also be taken up when other suitable positions are not available, rather than merely pursuing the deepening of scholarly experience.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/13 1:58:06编辑过]
Mistreatment of Postdocs and the rise of postdoc unions in California
In many instances postdocs are expected to work at least 60 hours with no extra compensation.In addition, Principal Investigators can use the relatively cheap labor (especially in biomedical research where the NIH minimum was, in the year 2000, approximately $37,000 with few benefits)of postdocs to further their own careers. Many common complaints amongst biomedical postdoctoral researchers against their project's principal investigators are:
- Being punished for becoming pregnant and/or not being given maternity leave.
- Authorship of papers being shared or given away to people who did not contribute to the work.
- Name calling and insults.
Recently, postdocs in California formed a union in order to secure better working conditions, such as the right to sue for sexual harassment. Furthermore, new hires will receive the NIH minimum salary and pay raises of 1.5% to 3% are now guaranteed.
In many instances postdocs are expected to work at least 60 hours with no extra compensation.In addition, Principal Investigators can use the relatively cheap labor (especially in biomedical research where the NIH minimum was, in the year 2000, approximately $37,000 with few benefits)of postdocs to further their own careers. Many common complaints amongst biomedical postdoctoral researchers against their project's principal investigators are:
- Being punished for becoming pregnant and/or not being given maternity leave.
- Authorship of papers being shared or given away to people who did not contribute to the work.
- Name calling and insults.
Recently, postdocs in California formed a union in order to secure better working conditions, such as the right to sue for sexual harassment. Furthermore, new hires will receive the NIH minimum salary and pay raises of 1.5% to 3% are now guaranteed.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/13 1:59:40编辑过]
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