2005-03-04 09:21:00
Agree. I have worried a lot before the baby is born, now after I saw her smile, I forgot all the worries...
I was apart from husband before I got pregnant, then move to ld's place and work from home.
LD took care of me and cook for me, has some pressure for him during that period, and also I am preparing looking for a job locally....
GGPP got visa and Mom was denied.
Now I found a job here and GGPP took care of all the house work and baby...
My Baby is super easy to handle ... so it kindly make things easy and actually baby may need a little traning and if you know how to treat baby , it will be easy for the baby and the adults...
Mom will try the visa now, we are encouraging her to try till it works....
And I encourage my Mom by telling her that I paid all the expenses and also paid her money each month during her stay....Also I encourage her take a visit to Japan or Kerea and I would very like to pay for it......
She said she doesn't want my money and wants to see my baby but I know my Mom is old now and I am away and she is kindly care about having some money with her...though she can't spend half of her salary each month and has saving accounts and house and medical insurance and everything, (I am the only daughter of her and she won't spend much money, even if she got money from me I guess she still save it for me.)
Anyway I just can't bare leaving my baby , my GGPP has said that they can/will take her home if my Mom can't get the visa. But the little one seems like already recognize me though she is only 50 days old, If I am there, she will stop eating from her grandma's bottle and look at me or refuse the bottle.She falls into sleeping on me almost instantly while not so easy in her bassinet.I guess the warmth and smell make her feel safe...
Also after having my own baby, I feel it is not easy to bring up a baby. So now my feeling to my Mom has been changed, 养儿方知父母恩。如果我的BABY有事,偶决对会第一个冲过去。偶想偶妈妈也会这样。偶不敢保证将来偶绝对会让偶BABY对偶满意,可是偶会尽力作一个好妈妈。同时偶也谅解了偶妈妈,无论曾经或现在如何......偶想MM们作了妈妈也会和偶有一些一样的想法.....
其实我是一直很想要宝宝的那种人, 在买东西的时候看到小孩子的东西就很开心. 我有个好朋友怀孕了, 还是不知道男孩女孩的时候我就买了很多公主裙, 后来知道是男孩, 只好去退了...
不过我一直吃治疗关节炎的药, 总是担心会对宝宝有影响...
老公总是说还没有ready, 其实生活在这里, 哪有什么真的ready的时候?
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