2024-11-05 21:20:20
认真地说, AA是provilaged白人和under privileged 黑墨之间的矛盾,跟我们亚裔很难说是有利还是有害,为什么到现在还没看清楚。非要给白人当枪使,得罪黑墨. 以前有 AA, 大家默认各行各业同样的学历亚裔水平最高, 现在AA 输了官司后,华人升学率是有明显提高吗????
哈佛大学给亚裔学生positive personality traits 打低分,你说这是有利还是有害?
cite your sourse
我可以帮你找source, 如果找到的话,请你以后一起加入反AA的阵营,干不干?
why i have to? let me know your reason? dont you think you suppose to cite your source?
I guess you think you did me a huge favor to back you statement with a valid source.
As a matter of fact, i did you a huge favor, because i dont think your statment have any credit without a valid source.
Just want to know if you are capable of reasoning with facts or evidences. If not, why bother asking for the source? You are going to deny the truth anyway.
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