2010-10-20 14:04:00
Human society exists, breeds and develops in an exclusive and universal order created by and for the nature. Homosexuality as a result, is the combination of misguided worldview, lack of self-confidence, social interactive difficulties, failure of conscious self-identification and psychological disorder.
- If homosexuality is common human nature, there should not be any differences on percentage of population being homosexual regardless of geographics, genders and races
- Asian males have the highest percentage among themselves that are homosexual. This phenomenon is not found in Asian male population in other regions worldwide. Asian males in the United States reportedly have the lowest level of overall self-confidence and the highest level of social interactive difficulties
- Hispanic race reportedly have the lowest percentage of homosexual population despite genders. This is believed to be the result of family-oriented culture, higher level of satisfaction towards personal and social life
Facts are out there, common sense is the tool.
Opinion welcomed, no name calling, no dumb talk-points from homosexual and "civil rights" activists.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/20 14:09:36编辑过]
lz 推理问题很大。。
生孩子也是common human nature,但是各地的fertility rate varies greatly.
典型的把correlation当causation。entry level 统计或者哲学问题。
A is correlated to B, 为什么得出结论是A导致B而不是B导致A? A 和 B 相关,有多种合理解释,可以是A导致B,可以是B导致A,可以是另外的C导致了A 和B,也可能相关性是随机的。
结论很简单:同性恋的支持者从未能论证同性恋是天生human nature
are you sure?
You can try to prove it.
哈哈。。。。对,数据不能推理,直接因为A所以A, 最有道理。
Let's try more intellegence less sloppiness.
If homosexuality is common human nature, there should not be any differences on percentage of population being homosexual regardless of geographics, genders and races
这种 IF 推导,果然够拙
而且还发生在第一个世界统计日, 可见普及基本统计知识任重道远啊!
Do you have an argument?
For a straight person, you spend an awful lot of time thinking about the sexual habits of gays. You sure you're not in the closet?
Try some argument.
我证明不了 也不是什么专家,你要我举出什么具体例子,我不知道。但我接触一些研究女性主义得人,强调这个是human nature, 我听到得几个版本是自然界中普遍存在同性恋(类人猿?猩猩?等),还有人类历史上一直普遍存在。
Try some argument.
For a straight person, you spend an awful lot of time thinking about the sexual habits of gays. You sure you're not in the closet?
Try some argument.
So...thats your argument?
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