大话影视版活动:新年情人节专题 - 有奖征文,那些让我们动心的爱情故事(内设电梯,欢迎观光~)
2010-01-30 20:17:00
主演: Christian Slater (克拉伦斯) / Patricia Arquette (艾伦娜)
她在遇到他以前,是个刚干了四天的应召女郎,有个可怕的 pimp,她穿着风尘女子的衣服,眼神却无比澄净。
他们结婚了。他去她的 pimp 那拿回她的东西,竟然在混乱中杀死了 pimp。他一身伤痕的回来,她哭了,一边流泪一边爬到他身上说 “I think what you did…is so romantic!”他们高兴地打开他夺回来的她的箱子,两人全傻了,满满一大箱的可卡因。原 来她的pimp 还是个毒贩。
他们踏上逃亡之路,投奔他在洛杉矶的朋友,想将手里的毒品全数卖掉。之后的发展完全是昆汀式的:买家,中间 人,警察,卧底,pimp 的老板,都不约而同地盯上了他们。最后交易现场,几路人马齐齐现身。一场激烈枪战,所有人死光光。只有他们和他们的朋友逃出生 天。他们甚至在警察的眼皮底下带走了钱箱,远走墨西哥。
相似的电影还看过 Natural born killer,Bonnie and Clyde。不同于这两部,在ture romance 里 他和她不是 亡命鸳鸯,雌雄大盗。他们只是两个命运悲苦的小人物,在机缘的作弄下得到了一个机会。他们不以杀人为乐,他们只想捞一笔钱就远走他方。他们原是简单的人, 他们相信只要有了对方和钱,就会幸福。他们也真的做到了。就像电影里的那首歌: Now we are both here, and we are lonely, we still don’t know, what it takes, we want to feel love, we are just so scared, I know we’ve got nothing, but haven’t you heard, I guess we are just two wounded birds, I guess we are just two wounded birds…
Quentin Tarantino 那 时还不是知名导演。可剧本一拿出手,就有惊为天人的感觉。还值得一提的是Brad Pitt 扮演的roommate,真是将一个 pothead 演得 深入骨血啊!尤其是他看到一帮手持钢枪的黑帮人物走进屋子时的表情。
Alabama:Amid the chaos of that day, when all I could hear was the thunder of gunshots, and all I could smell was the violence in the air, I look back and am mazed that my thoughts were so clear and true. That three words went through my mind endlessly. Repeating themselves like a broken record. You're so cool. You're so cool. You're so cool.
And sometimes Clarence asks me what I would have done if he had died. If that bullet had been two inches more to the left. To this I always smile as if I'm not
going to satisfy him with a response. But I always do. I tell him of how I would want to die, but that the anguish and want of death would fade like the stars at dawn. And that things would be much as they are now. Perhaps. Except, maybe, I wouldn't
have named our son... Elvis.
rewarded by pitachips
真实罗曼史 True Romance
导演: 托尼 斯科特 (Tony Scott)主演: Christian Slater (克拉伦斯) / Patricia Arquette (艾伦娜)
她在遇到他以前,是个刚干了四天的应召女郎,有个可怕的 pimp,她穿着风尘女子的衣服,眼神却无比澄净。
他们结婚了。他去她的 pimp 那拿回她的东西,竟然在混乱中杀死了 pimp。他一身伤痕的回来,她哭了,一边流泪一边爬到他身上说 “I think what you did…is so romantic!”他们高兴地打开他夺回来的她的箱子,两人全傻了,满满一大箱的可卡因。原 来她的pimp 还是个毒贩。
他们踏上逃亡之路,投奔他在洛杉矶的朋友,想将手里的毒品全数卖掉。之后的发展完全是昆汀式的:买家,中间 人,警察,卧底,pimp 的老板,都不约而同地盯上了他们。最后交易现场,几路人马齐齐现身。一场激烈枪战,所有人死光光。只有他们和他们的朋友逃出生 天。他们甚至在警察的眼皮底下带走了钱箱,远走墨西哥。
相似的电影还看过 Natural born killer,Bonnie and Clyde。不同于这两部,在ture romance 里 他和她不是 亡命鸳鸯,雌雄大盗。他们只是两个命运悲苦的小人物,在机缘的作弄下得到了一个机会。他们不以杀人为乐,他们只想捞一笔钱就远走他方。他们原是简单的人, 他们相信只要有了对方和钱,就会幸福。他们也真的做到了。就像电影里的那首歌: Now we are both here, and we are lonely, we still don’t know, what it takes, we want to feel love, we are just so scared, I know we’ve got nothing, but haven’t you heard, I guess we are just two wounded birds, I guess we are just two wounded birds…
Quentin Tarantino 那 时还不是知名导演。可剧本一拿出手,就有惊为天人的感觉。还值得一提的是Brad Pitt 扮演的roommate,真是将一个 pothead 演得 深入骨血啊!尤其是他看到一帮手持钢枪的黑帮人物走进屋子时的表情。
Alabama:Amid the chaos of that day, when all I could hear was the thunder of gunshots, and all I could smell was the violence in the air, I look back and am mazed that my thoughts were so clear and true. That three words went through my mind endlessly. Repeating themselves like a broken record. You're so cool. You're so cool. You're so cool.
And sometimes Clarence asks me what I would have done if he had died. If that bullet had been two inches more to the left. To this I always smile as if I'm not
going to satisfy him with a response. But I always do. I tell him of how I would want to die, but that the anguish and want of death would fade like the stars at dawn. And that things would be much as they are now. Perhaps. Except, maybe, I wouldn't
have named our son... Elvis.
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/1/30 21:28:45编辑过]
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