2010-03-18 10:47:00
no, 不要乱说,打回去google,baidu~~
生殖器疱疹是主要由单纯疱疹病毒II(HSVII)引起的性传播 病。在西方国家其发病率仅次于淋病和非淋菌性尿道炎,。本病发病率高,可通过胎盘及 产道感染新生儿,导致流产及新生儿死亡,与宫颈癌的发生也有关,危害较大,已受到人们的重 视。
HSV-2则是生殖器疱疹的主要病原体(90%),存在于皮肤和粘膜损害的渗出液、精液、前列 腺分泌液、宫颈、阴道分泌液中,主要通过性交传染,引起原发性生殖器疱疹。原发性生殖器疱疹消退后,残存的病毒经周围神经沿神经轴长期潜存于骶神经节,当 机体抵抗力降低或某些激发因素如发热、受凉、感染、月经、胃肠功能紊乱、创伤等作用下,可使体内潜伏的病毒激活而复发。人类是疱疹病毒的唯一宿主,离开人 体则病毒不能生存,紫外线、乙醚及一般消毒剂均可使之灭活。
大家阿 这都是常识
我国目前将下列8种常见且危害性大的性传播疾病列为重点防治的疾病:梅毒、淋病、非淋菌性尿道炎、生殖器疱疹、尖锐湿疣、软下疳、性病性淋巴肉芽肿和艾滋 病。
It is not considered as STD in the US. Consult doctor is the best.
Classification and terminology
Until the 1990s, STDs were commonly known as venereal diseases : Veneris is the Latin genitive form of the name Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Social disease was another euphemism.
Public health officials originally introduced the term sexually transmitted infection, which clinicians are increasingly using alongside the term sexually transmitted disease in order to distinguish it from the former. According to the Ethiopian Aids Resource Center FAQ, "Sometimes the terms STI and STD are used interchangeably. This can be confusing and not always accurate, so it helps first to understand the difference between infection and disease. Infection simply means that a germ—virus, bacteria, or parasite—that can cause disease or sickness is present inside a person’s body. An infected person does not necessarily have any symptoms or signs that the virus or bacteria is actually hurting his or her body; they do not necessarily feel sick. A disease means that the infection is actually causing the infected person to feel sick, or to notice something is wrong. For this reason, the term STI—which refers to infection with any germ that can cause an STD, even if the infected person has no symptoms—is a much broader term than STD."[1] The distinction being made, however, is closer to that between a colonization and an infection, rather than between an infection and a disease.
Specifically, the term STD refers only to infections that are causing symptoms. Because most of the time people do not know that they are infected with an STD until they start showing symptoms of disease, most people use the term STD, even though the term STI is also appropriate in many cases.
Moreover, the term sexually transmissible disease is sometimes used since it is less restrictive in consideration of other factors or means of transmission. For instance, meningitis is transmissible by means of sexual contact but is not labeled as an STI because sexual contact is not the primary vector for the pathogens that cause meningitis. This discrepancy is addressed by the probability of infection by means other than sexual contact. In general, an STI is an infection that has a negligible probability of transmission by means other than sexual contact, but has a realistic means of transmission by sexual contact (more sophisticated means—blood transfusion, sharing of hypodermic needles—are not taken into account). Thus, one may presume that, if a person is infected with an STI, e.g., chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, it was transmitted to him/her by means of sexual contact.
The diseases on this list are most commonly transmitted solely by sexual activity. Many infectious diseases, including the common cold, influenza, pneumonia, and most others that are transmitted person-to-person can also be transmitted during sexual contact, if one person is infected, due to the close contact involved. However, even though these diseases may be transmitted during sex, they are not considered STDs.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/18 13:40:06编辑过]
我也想知道。。。。 我在公司上厕所从来不用纸垫,在外面MALL里上, 悬空解决。
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