2005-09-13 11:47:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-13 11:47:03编辑过]
以下是引用zhurourong在2005-9-13 13:59:00的发言:
This is big crazy news. Seems not much ppl in huaren cares about it, but for ppl like me, who have been struggle with GC for years, have LC stay in EBC, and LD totaly depending/waiting on my GC, this is really another terrible news. But since there have been too many bad news this year, like LC being moved to EBC while it could have been approved if given a couple of more month... Anyway, I almost want to laugh, life is just like a joke, and GC process for me is the largest one.
This is big crazy news. Seems not much ppl in huaren cares about it, but for ppl like me, who have been struggle with GC for years, have LC stay in EBC, and LD totaly depending/waiting on my GC, this is really another terrible news. But since there have been too many bad news this year, like LC being moved to EBC while it could have been approved if given a couple of more month... Anyway, I almost want to laugh, life is just like a joke, and GC process for me is the largest one.
same here...
the whole process is a joke. all that i care is to change job freely and travel freely.
以下是引用GABA在2005-9-14 12:40:00的发言:
不要太着急, 下面这段分析说得挺好. 既然已这样了, 就兵来将挡, 水来土淹吧.
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