2024-11-21 22:52:59
- 明确职责:
- 在回复邮件之前,先查阅公司的职责分配文件或与你的老板进行沟通,明确这项工作的具体职责归属。
- 如果确实属于你的职责范围,但由于技术问题暂时无法完成,可以礼貌地解释当前的情况,并承诺一旦问题解决会立即更新。
- 如果这项工作并非完全由你负责,可以在邮件中明确指出这一点,并附上相关的职责分配证明(如果有的话)。
- 保持冷静和专业:
- 避免在邮件中使用情绪化的语言,保持冷静和客观。
- 用事实和数据来支持你的观点,而不是仅仅表达愤怒或不满。
- 寻求共识:
- 尝试与A建立共识,共同确定一个合理的解决方案。
- 可以提议在技术问题解决之前,由A暂时接管这部分工作,或者寻找其他同事协助。
- 抄送老板前慎重考虑:
- 在决定是否抄送老板之前,先评估一下这种情况是否真正需要老板的介入。
- 如果双方无法达成一致,或者你认为A的行为已经严重影响到工作效率或团队氛围,可以考虑抄送老板,并附上详细的背景信息和你的建议。
- 在抄送老板的邮件中,同样要保持冷静和专业,避免使用指责性的语言。
- 私下沟通:
- 如果可能的话,也可以尝试与A进行面对面的沟通,以更直接的方式解决问题。
- 面对面的沟通往往能更有效地传达情感和意图,有助于双方建立更好的理解和信任。
- 记录沟通过程:
- 在整个沟通过程中,保持邮件或其他形式的记录是很重要的。
- 这不仅有助于你回顾和评估双方的沟通效果,还能在必要时提供证据支持。
Subject: Re: Request for XXX Platform Update
Dear A,
Thank you for your response. I understand that the situation isn't urgent, and I appreciate your consideration in that regard.
However, I’d like to clarify the responsibilities regarding the XXX platform. While I’ve been updating the sections related to my team, the platform itself has historically been within your scope of responsibilities, especially for gathering and consolidating information across the department. As such, I believe it would be more efficient for you to handle the update in the interim, as you are overseeing the full scope of the department's data.
I fully understand the need to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information, and I’m happy to take care of the update as soon as my IT issue is resolved. However, since this is also part of your broader responsibilities, I hope you’ll understand my request for your support in updating the platform while I’m unable to access it.
Thanks again for your understanding, and I look forward to resolving this soon.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
This email is respectful but firm, emphasizing the historical context of the task, acknowledging the situation, and suggesting a solution that maintains professionalism. It avoids the direct confrontation but ensures your perspective is clearly communicated.
lz可以回他cc老板,谢谢他的understanding,你会等IT issue fix以后再更新,in the mean time,to keep everyone in the loop,在邮件里简单把你发给他的信息再复述一下。下次你跟老板当面meet的时候,如果你想背后参他一本,可以跟老板吹吹耳旁风,看老板愿不愿意assign他给你做system update的back up,免得你下次有情况不能按时update误事
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