how should i tell her?
2004-09-03 13:16:00
A new Chinese girl in my dept is asking me for the old homeworks and exams of one course. I never met her and barely know her. The thing is, the professor made it very clear in class that nobody should borrow the old homeworks from previous year students. Otherwise it violates the honor code system. But she still emailed me!!
What should I say? Tell her that it's unethical to do so?Or, are there any better ways to decline her request? I really don't want to be an accomplice in this kind of matters.
Sigh, I am the only Chinese who took those courses in the past 2 years....I expect she'd ask me more.......
btw, i don't want to leave her the impression of 'unfriendly'...but it seems it can't be avoided if i say 'no' to her. :( Why people can't have some self-conscienciousness....
What should I say? Tell her that it's unethical to do so?Or, are there any better ways to decline her request? I really don't want to be an accomplice in this kind of matters.
Sigh, I am the only Chinese who took those courses in the past 2 years....I expect she'd ask me more.......
btw, i don't want to leave her the impression of 'unfriendly'...but it seems it can't be avoided if i say 'no' to her. :( Why people can't have some self-conscienciousness....
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-3 13:18:54编辑过]
Thanks. But that'll be toooooo lame. Anyone knows this is not true. Especially I just finished the phd qualify exam and the related course materials are no way to be lost.
以下是引用sea-shell在2004-9-3 13:19:07的发言:
Jusy say no by making other excuses, such as the homework were lost when you were moving etc..
Jusy say no by making other excuses, such as the homework were lost when you were moving etc..
thanks all for your kindly reponse. I decide to tell her directly that I can't lend her the homeworks but I 'll be happy to answers any questions she may have.
She has been in US for over 3 years, I guess she'll understand the consequence.
She has been in US for over 3 years, I guess she'll understand the consequence.
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