Tim Cook: ‘I’m proud to be gay’
2014-10-30 11:54:13
someone in this forum are quite disgusting.. why can't people be proud of what they are?
I am glad Tim Cook is brave enough to come out of closet and be proud of what he is.
If a person can say he is proud of being a Chinese or American, then definitely a person can be proud of being gay.
Being proud is not saying being gay is better than being straight. Being proud is to face the truth and accept what he/she actually is.
I respect any people who is proud of himself/herself.
pop 发表于 10/30/2014 11:51:12 AM [url=][/url]
I am glad Tim Cook is brave enough to come out of closet and be proud of what he is.
If a person can say he is proud of being a Chinese or American, then definitely a person can be proud of being gay.
Being proud is not saying being gay is better than being straight. Being proud is to face the truth and accept what he/she actually is.
I respect any people who is proud of himself/herself.
pop 发表于 10/30/2014 11:51:12 AM [url=][/url]
强Re。。。。 这帖子里有的人真是狭隘的不行
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