2004-08-14 14:17:00
昨天第一次开SUV, 是朋友的车, 我去飞机场接他们一家. 开始巨不舒服, 开着, 开着, 感觉越来越好, 感觉自己很强壮, 回头再开自己的小破车, 真是天壤之别之别啊!! 怪不得人人都要买大车呢.
以下是引用fivory在2004-8-14 15:29:47的发言:
SUV是最爱翻车的车型,ROLL OVER率遥遥领先.也是出事故里死亡率最高的车型,MM要小心哦.现在很多人质疑SUV到底安不安全.据说是因为人们开上SUV后,都觉得自己就安全了,放松了警惕,结果一出事就是致命的.至于爱翻车的毛病,是因为SUV通常底盘都太高.
SUV是最爱翻车的车型,ROLL OVER率遥遥领先.也是出事故里死亡率最高的车型,MM要小心哦.现在很多人质疑SUV到底安不安全.据说是因为人们开上SUV后,都觉得自己就安全了,放松了警惕,结果一出事就是致命的.至于爱翻车的毛病,是因为SUV通常底盘都太高.
是, 是, 你提醒的是. 特别在城市里开的时候, 转弯确实能感觉到车子有点晃. 幸好也只是难得开一次. 其实我还是觉得小车, 就是SEDEN 那种开起来比较安全一些.
以下是引用gabbie在2004-8-14 22:03:45的发言:
我隔壁邻居,买了Ford的一个巨大的 SUV,跟坦克似的,扒车位都占一个半;
我隔壁邻居,买了Ford的一个巨大的 SUV,跟坦克似的,扒车位都占一个半;
我老公也是这么说, 地球上的油总是有用完的一天, 大家都开那么大的车, 简直是种浪费. [em00][em00]
大家有没有觉得开SUV 容易超速, 可能是因为车子高, 看得远, 不知不觉速度就加快了. 嗯...这个好象也是一个不安全因素噢.
刚刚看了一篇文章, 关于SUV 安全的.
[[face=Times New Roman]face=Times New Roman]The gap in safety beween sport utility vehicles and passenger cars last year was the widest yet recorded, according to new federal traffic data.
People driving or riding in a sport utility vehicle in 2003 were nearly 11 percent more likely to die in an accident than people in cars,the figures show.
SUVs continue to gain in popularity, despite safety concerns and the vehicles' lagging fuel economy ata time when gasoline prices are high.
For the first seven monthes of 2004, SUVs accounted for 27.2 percent of all light-duty vehicle sales, up from 26 percent for the comparable period in 2003, according to Ward's AutoInfoBank. However, sales growth for the largest sport utility vehicles has stalled lately, while small and meduim-sized SUVs, engineered more like cars than pickup trucks, continue to make rapid gains.---The New York Times[/face][/face]
[[face=Times New Roman]face=Times New Roman]The gap in safety beween sport utility vehicles and passenger cars last year was the widest yet recorded, according to new federal traffic data.
People driving or riding in a sport utility vehicle in 2003 were nearly 11 percent more likely to die in an accident than people in cars,the figures show.
SUVs continue to gain in popularity, despite safety concerns and the vehicles' lagging fuel economy ata time when gasoline prices are high.
For the first seven monthes of 2004, SUVs accounted for 27.2 percent of all light-duty vehicle sales, up from 26 percent for the comparable period in 2003, according to Ward's AutoInfoBank. However, sales growth for the largest sport utility vehicles has stalled lately, while small and meduim-sized SUVs, engineered more like cars than pickup trucks, continue to make rapid gains.---The New York Times[/face][/face]
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