不支持TRUMP 的基督徒发个声吧!
2024-11-07 21:46:28
真正的基督徒不可能支持abortion, 基督教义最基本的人权就是生命权。每周日去教会交作业不代表就是基督徒。
The political party that says “call it a woman’s right to choose”, is endorsing the ending of a human life! That party denies the truth of the fact what about the baby that is ripped apart in the women’s womb? Did that baby choose to be killed? Did they choose the pain that the abortion and partial birth abortion caused? People can see on an ultrasound the beating heart of the baby/babies at 5 to 6 weeks after conception. That fact cannot be denied! Women, and perhaps men, may eventually realize the mental psychological and emotional consequences of aborting/ending the life of a baby. However, the Lord can comfort and forgive them, if they choose! The heartbeat begins and ends our lives!
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