Apartment: which one is better
2004-11-17 18:12:00
both 2 bed 2 bath, 1100sqft, want just 6 month lease(i might move to another
state soon)
state soon)
pos: bay window, mountain view, most room has sun exposure (facing west), big
storage and long deck which is crossing dinning area, kitchen, master room, a
quick dinning area in kitchen just by the bay window.
cons: 10 min farther than the other one to my offce , all rooms are smaller than the other one
price: 805/month(after discount), waiting for my answers
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-17 18:23:10编辑过]
thanks for all answers. Actually, we want the apartment for 3 people, my husband, my 2 year old daughter and i. The reason we want to rent 2 bed 2 bath is we are going to ask his parents or my parents to visit us sometimes early next year.
As most of you, i like the first one more, but that one needs us to move in early Dec, but our current lease will end at the end of this year, that means there will be a big rent overlap in Dec. My husband is concerning about paying both two apts in one month. Sigh...
For some of you asking why they are so cheap -- i'm in colorado, so the living expense is much cheaper than who is living in CA, NY.
As most of you, i like the first one more, but that one needs us to move in early Dec, but our current lease will end at the end of this year, that means there will be a big rent overlap in Dec. My husband is concerning about paying both two apts in one month. Sigh...
For some of you asking why they are so cheap -- i'm in colorado, so the living expense is much cheaper than who is living in CA, NY.
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