[Help] which city is better to live?
2005-02-05 23:47:00
Just got a couple of offers. Really hard to decide. Please help with your opinions. Thanks.
Assuming same salary around 100K, which city do you think is better to live?
投票:[Help] which city is better to live? - 多选(最多可选5项)
截止时间:2032-06-22 23:47:26
1、San Francisco (Nice weather, Nice environment, High housing cost)
4票 / 67%
2、Austin TX (Cheap house, more companies, High Temperature)
1票 / 17%
3、Boston (Nice city, Beautiful place, Nice culture, Fairly high housing cost)
0票 / 0%
4、San Diego (Nice weather, Nice environment, High housing cost)
1票 / 17%
5、Sacramento, CA(Balanced place)
0票 / 0%
Sorry I can't type in Chinese right now.
First thanks for everyone's vote and comment. Looks like many people like CA a lot. I like there too with its gorgeous weather and pretty/modern environment. However, I also concern about the skyflying housing cost and 9% state income tax as well as the 8% sales tax. That makes a lot of differences.
So far I still plan to go to CA, however this is really a big decision for me and really tough to make up my mind.
Any comment will be appreciated.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-7 11:30:10编辑过]
More votes for SF, can you share with me why you love SF so much? Do you concern about the unaffordable housing and high tax?
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