2004-06-01 15:16:00
你要是去野外我不太清楚,但是要是去城市的话可是很危险的. NG (April, 2004)有一篇介绍南非城市的文章, 其中讲到犯罪时数目是惊人的
"Crime is the one overriding concern all races in Johannesburg have in common. Comparative statistics are difficult to come by, because in July 2000 the government stopped issuing crime figures -- only to resume releasing them a year later with different categories, a move critics charge was designed to blur bad news. The headlines, however, remain stark: In the worst parts of the city nearly one in three people were robbed last year. Murder for the greater metro area runs at 60 per 100,000 -- three times the rate in Chicago, America's most dangerous city. Johannesburg experienced 20,173 incidents of burglary on residential premises last year, and businesses cite crime as a "major obstacle to growth". Fewer tourists now come to Johannesburg proper, heading instead straight to game parks or the seaside."
"Crime is the one overriding concern all races in Johannesburg have in common. Comparative statistics are difficult to come by, because in July 2000 the government stopped issuing crime figures -- only to resume releasing them a year later with different categories, a move critics charge was designed to blur bad news. The headlines, however, remain stark: In the worst parts of the city nearly one in three people were robbed last year. Murder for the greater metro area runs at 60 per 100,000 -- three times the rate in Chicago, America's most dangerous city. Johannesburg experienced 20,173 incidents of burglary on residential premises last year, and businesses cite crime as a "major obstacle to growth". Fewer tourists now come to Johannesburg proper, heading instead straight to game parks or the seaside."
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