2004-11-21 20:07:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-3 12:32:07编辑过]
今天又和我得男朋友谈了。 他确实不认为对我这是什么大事。 他说他对我得态度永远不会因为我知道他有女儿而改变。 他说我不需要担心这件事。 他会take responsibilty,他会每月寄$500给她们母女。 其实当初当他知道ex有孩子了,他是准备和她结婚的,但是他的ex不想和他结婚。他只见过他的女儿一次, 他的ex不想让他involve她们的生活。想想他应该算是一个responsible的男人吧。 不过我确实有点担心以后的赡养费的问题。
Thank you for all ur suggestions. The jms in Huaren are really nice. I can not input Chinese now so sorry for that.
I really love my boyfriend. And i think he also love me. We really have good time together. He said he was scared to loose me. That is the reason he told me until now. But he did not wanna lie to me, so he tell me now. He hope me to forget this thing. He will take care of it. He will be responsible to it and he does not wanna me involve it. Although he does not have too much money, he just graduated from the university as a Bachelar, he will give me the best life and give me what i want. I believe what he said. But i think i still need some time to get familiar this reality that he has a daughter.
I really love my boyfriend. And i think he also love me. We really have good time together. He said he was scared to loose me. That is the reason he told me until now. But he did not wanna lie to me, so he tell me now. He hope me to forget this thing. He will take care of it. He will be responsible to it and he does not wanna me involve it. Although he does not have too much money, he just graduated from the university as a Bachelar, he will give me the best life and give me what i want. I believe what he said. But i think i still need some time to get familiar this reality that he has a daughter.
其实我并不在意他是美国人还是中国人, 缘分使我们在一起,而且我现在真的爱他。 如果他是中国gg, 我也一样会犹豫, 并不会因此就匆忙和他分手。 jms的建议我会慎重考虑, 我已经决定不急着结婚了。 确实应该再了解了解。 其实来美国后根本没想过会有一个美国男友, 我们是在一个party经朋友介绍认识的。 后来他经常请我出去玩,就这样满满的在一起了。 其实当那天他和我说起他有女儿的时候, 他并不确定我是否已经知道这件事,他以为他的朋友或许向我提过。 他之所以一直不说是因为他认为这事于我无关。也许这就是文化差异吧。 对我来说这真是晴天霹雳, 直到现在我还无法相信他竟然有了一个女儿。但毕竟这是发生在认识我之前,认识我以后,他真的对我很好, 看来我应改学者慢慢忘记。 可我就是忘不了,今天又想了一天,research都作不下去了。 我现在有一种冲动,好想去看看他的女儿和ex。可是这合适马?其实自打孩子生下来后他只见过一次。并不是他不想见, 而是他的ex不希望他去打搅她们的生活。他的ex已经有了新的男友。用他的话说就是he has a daughter but he is not a father. He is really sorry for his daughter. Maybe one day when she grow up, he and his ex will explain everything to her. 真的好想见见她们, 可是又怕男友见了舍不得她们了。
不好意思的说, 我们这的女生有了男友都同居了。 在这里中国女生和中国男生同居的尤其多。
看了大家的建议我又犹豫了。 说实话我也不知道我倒低能不能接受他有个小孩这个事实。我不是一个感情上特别放的开的人,我自己都害怕我会不时的想起这件事。 他是私下和ex达成的协议,每个月寄$500。 但是我不知道等孩子大了,他是不是还需要付学费。 也许这回成为一个无底洞。 我真的不知道改怎么办了。 可我真的爱他,不想失去他。
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