2004-11-17 11:09:00
6 month ad time, your understanding is not quite right.
1. Company may conduct recruiting effort to demonstrate
the foreign national is the only willing and qualified candidate.
From the first day of recruiting, the LC application needs to be filed
in 6 months period. ie. if LC wants to quoto the ad on 1/1/2004,
LC can not filed later than 6/30/2004.
2. Recruiting effort is only valid for 6 months for LC application.
This does not necessarily mean that you have to do recruiting for 6 months.
On the other hand, with 6 months recruiting,
it does not mean LC is approvable. DOL makes the call.
3. For Perm and RIR. This 6-month effective policy does not change.
Let's say, you start posting ad on 12/1/2004.
you need to file either RIR or Perm before 5/31/2005, otherwise,
you will need to redo the ad posting.
Hope this helps.
1. Company may conduct recruiting effort to demonstrate
the foreign national is the only willing and qualified candidate.
From the first day of recruiting, the LC application needs to be filed
in 6 months period. ie. if LC wants to quoto the ad on 1/1/2004,
LC can not filed later than 6/30/2004.
2. Recruiting effort is only valid for 6 months for LC application.
This does not necessarily mean that you have to do recruiting for 6 months.
On the other hand, with 6 months recruiting,
it does not mean LC is approvable. DOL makes the call.
3. For Perm and RIR. This 6-month effective policy does not change.
Let's say, you start posting ad on 12/1/2004.
you need to file either RIR or Perm before 5/31/2005, otherwise,
you will need to redo the ad posting.
Hope this helps.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-17 11:10:48编辑过]
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