2009-11-30 12:28:00
这个习惯还是要坚持下去,看了自己以前的流水帐,回忆一点点回来了,真是一件很美好的事情。还是要记,就算对自己有个交待,等10年8年以后翻出来也是很好地回忆,也和各位清芬轩的姐妹分享。 做事贵在坚持。
yes, live simple, live free.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/24 13:06:00编辑过]
11-30-09 weleda skin food -3楼
12-18-09 冬天的清洁绿泥和面油,jurlique calendula cream review -8,9楼
12-27-09 米国registered Aromatherapist提供一点信息--12楼
12-28-09 神经痛case study - 13楼
1-5-10 乳香眼油 - 35楼
1-20-10 玫瑰日间乳/快乐鼠尾草夜间乳 - 48楼
1-25-10 第一次来亲自实践eczema的case study - 64楼
2-12-10,几个日常用的 - 75楼
2-16-10. 放松好眠夜间乳/柑橘类大杂烩日间乳/洗面乳 - 80楼
5-6-10. 一次PMS用油 -141楼
5-13-10. 肌肉拉伤的治疗 - 16页
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/24 13:56:24编辑过]
11-30-09 11月最后一天。前几天刚买了一个weleda skin food,也算是我keep getting back的一个了,这个牌子我还是很喜欢的,理念和德氏有点像,都是提倡biodynamic+organic, 而且都有自己的cultivating farm/garden,比德氏多的是一个fair trade,而且便宜不少。虽然相比较我还是更加喜欢德氏的东西,但是weleda有些产品是我一直用开的而且会继续用下去的,skin food就是其中一个。 [upload=jpg,9859.jpg]UploadFile/2009-11/2009113012375689333.jpg[/upload]
pros:我冬天都会少不了这个,适合当hand cream,除此用在脖子,手肘,膝盖,脚特别好用,很适合冬天天干的天气。很干的时候回用在两颊,很宝石。这个特别厚重,可能大多人都会觉得有点受不了,不过好在这个冬冬涂上去厚重,但是很快就会吸收了。我是先用手掌把霜融化了先,比较好涂。
cons: 味道就是很citrus,还算不错,但是这个味道是artificial德,因为成分里面有fragrance,而且排在很前的位置。哎!美中不足!
Ingredients (INCI) Water (Aqua), Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Lanolin, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Alcohol, Beeswax (Cera Flava), Glyceryl Linoleate, Hydrolyzed Beeswax, Fragrance (Parfum)*, Viola Tricolor (Pansy) Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita Matricaria (Chamomile) Flower Extract, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Cholesterol, Limonene*, Linalool*, Geraniol*, Citral*, Coumarin*. * from natural essential oils
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/30 12:55:10编辑过]
cannot believe Christmas is one week away!
green clay: 1 tsp
distilled water: 1 tsp
synergy: 1d
synergy: lavender:geranium:cedarwood=2:1:1
day oil:
10ml base: 7 jojoba + 3 ml camellia + 0.5ml VE
EO: patchouli: myrrh: german chamomile=1:1:1d
最近用完了的就是jurlique的calendula cream。以前没有写过这个的评价,也来写一次把。
我其实现在买成品的基本就是日霜,因为热做的霜实在太麻烦了,我又太懒。冷作简易的乳化剂用来做lotion等灰常好,但是做日霜很多时候宝石力是不够的。这个jurlique面霜我总体评价是还不错,很适合秋冬换季的时候皮肤容易出问题来用,吸收力和对皮肤的修复的功能都不错,但是明显宝石力不足,所以是我摆桌子头来用的。其实一个霜如果两者兼顾是很难的,德市的rose cream就是宝石力很好,而调节皮肤的功能相对没有这个calendula得好,所以两者一个做日霜,一个当常备在秋冬使用是很搭配的。
只是更新一下,对想考米国registered Aromatherapist提供一点信息。请有意参加这个考试的同学多联系。也请大家多提供其他芳疗师认证考试的信息。
这个考试是一个非盈利机构aromatherapy registration council提供的,具体请看http://www.aromatherapycouncil.org/。
010 examination dates:
- Application Deadline March 1 for Examination date April 17, 2010 and
- Application deadline September 1 for Examination date October 16, 2010
? Battaglia, S. (1995). The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy The
Perfect Potion . Pty Ltd.
? Bowles, E.J. (2004). The Basic Chemistry of Aromatherapeutic
Essential Oils. Sydney, Australia.
? Clarke, S, (2002) Essential Chemistry for Safe Aromatherapy.
Churchill Livingston.
? Cooksley, V. (1996). Aromatherapy: A Lifetime Guide to
Healing with Essential Oils. Prentice Hall.
? Penoel, D. (1998). Natural Home Health Care Using Essential
Oils. Essential Science Publishing.
? Price, S. and Price, L. (1999). Aromatherapy for Health
Professionals, 2nd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone.
? Rose, J. (1999). 375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols. Berkeley:
Frog Ltd.
? Schnaubelt, K. (1990). Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with
Essential Oils. Frog Ltd.
? Tisserand, R. and Balacs, T. (1995). Essential Oil Safety: A
Guide for Health Care Professionals. New York: Churchill
? Thibodeau and Patton. (2000). Structure and Function of the
Body, 11th ed. Mosby, Inc.
? Valnet, J. (1982). The Practice of Aromatherapy. Rochester,
VT: Healing Arts Press.
? Watt, M. Plant Aromatics: A Data and Reference Manual
? Williams, D.G. (1997). The Chemistry of Essential Oils: An
Introduction for Aromatherapists, Beauticians, Retailers and
Students. England: Micelle Press.
The following list of references may be of some help in preparing for
the examination. This list does not attempt to include all acceptable
references nor is it suggested that ARC Registration Examination in
Aromatherapy is necessarily based on these references. Their
content, while representative of the type of knowledge and skills
tested on the Registration Examination, does not necessarily mirror
the content of the Registration Examination. ARC has not assisted
in the development and/or publication of these materials and does
not endorse or recommend a particular study course or method.
ARC suggests these references as a study tool only.
事情缘起与一个好友兼roommate K的运动过度,因为K他真的是一个非常sporty的人,27岁,一个星期7天至少有5天要2个小时以上的运动,常年如此。但是两个月前一次运动完以后回来,坐下来看电脑3个小时,起来的时候觉得脚底麻了。过了2天没有那么麻了,然后就是走路觉得好像脚底下垫了什么东西,反正是funny的感觉,如果用手按下去就只有前三个脚趾的脚尖有异常的感觉。然后去看医生,cat scan,脚底反射都做了。排除了骨折和神经瘤的可能性,医生也只是建议k物理治疗。他自己说就是觉得是运动性末梢神经损伤,症状是nerve pain, numbness, tingling等典型的症状。而这些所有的症状,在躺下来或者没有施加任何压力的时候是完全没有的,和正常一样。但是一旦站起来,给脚施加压力一段时间,比如运动起来,或者走很长的路就开始痛。虽然不是大的问题,但是足够bother到他不能享受到运动的乐趣。
我然后就做了2个按摩油,基地都是sweet almond + St John's Wort(20%),一个里面是用Eucalytus+Ginger (1:1 for 1%),另一个是Clove+Thyme (2:1 for 1%)。两个每个用2,3天,交替在泡完脚以后用。主要是为了促进血液循环,减轻肌肉疼痛,安抚神经。k用了几次,虽然不算每天,但是觉得疼痛感减轻了。这个过程大概2,3个星期。
我下一步的打算有几个方向,希望各位多提意见多批评,我替k谢谢大家了先. 按摩油里面尝试用
1. black pepper,cinnamon, clove, thyme, ginger, vetiver等促进血液循环,减轻疼痛的。
2. lavender, chamomile, majoram等减轻疼痛,放松安抚神经的。
3. helichrysum,geranium, peppermint修复滋养神经的。看书上说tumeric也很好,不过我没有这个油。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/28 18:29:15编辑过]
B4 further discuss on your recommendation, I hv some Questions:
1) Wat is K's ethnic group?
2) At this point of time, wat is his general health condition?
3) Any sign(s) of inflammation or odema?
before prescription or suggesting a blend, is good to know more about his blood pressure as well as some of
his body systems function, i.e. Cardiac (Heart), kidneys & renals & liver functions
From info given abv, I suspected that he might be suffering from a nerve pain call: sciatica nerve pain
1) K是asian, cantonese+taiwanese的混血,1/4 korean.
2)k很健康, 血压,心脏,肾脏等非常正常。除了有先天性的高胆固醇,所以要常年吃降胆固醇药物,所以要定时检查肝功能,而目前为止完全正常。K没有颈椎,腰椎的病史。他爸爸有轻微的糖尿病。
sciatica nerve pain makes perfect sense to me, could be caused by nerve compression.
对了,还有physician 帮他做过坐骨神经的反射诊断,k是完全正常的。
Prescribing a blend is as good as oral intake although it is adminster and inducing thru the skin
therefore precaution is neccessary.
这个和松果体(Pineal gland)有直接关联 - 大家自己做做功课哈
Thank you F master! I don't have the guts to prescribe oral intake...yet, I am not a registered Aromatherapist afterall.
I heard about head lice differs in different ethnic groups, but I never thought about it, at least in this case. I am aware of Pineal gland has related to melatonin and serotonin, which is affected by sunlight, and of course, skin color. Is it the reason why the white suffer more from depression for lack of sunlight? Annnnd, sesquiterpenes could increase oxygen around pineal glands...therefore, we should be careful to treat different ethnic group when using sesquiterpenes-high essential oils? Are you suggesting using sesquiterpene-rich EO in this case? Like Melissa, Frankincense, and Helichrysum? But what is Pineal gland to do with this case?
Well.. excuse for my loads of questions here...
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