2010-02-20 14:48:00
以下是引用xmaolmao在2/20/2010 2:29:00 PM的发言:
same here ... I like herbal teas and herbal medicine. That's what led me to essential oils. Still learning how to use it for skincare. I've been there, similar to you ... too eager to see any progress - my cheeks still have some reddish spots from excessive usage and too much massage, but slowly I realized that it's kind of a life style change. Quoted what F said, "It's an art. One need to appreciate it to master". It's a slow process; but I believe in the end, you'll benefit from it, both mentally and physically.
Btw, I really enjoyed the smell of essential oils ... I've never felt myself so close to nature before.
Me too. 每次打开宝贵的木箱,源自世界各地的精油出现在眼前,就觉得自己游遍了森林,草地,花园。same here ... I like herbal teas and herbal medicine. That's what led me to essential oils. Still learning how to use it for skincare. I've been there, similar to you ... too eager to see any progress - my cheeks still have some reddish spots from excessive usage and too much massage, but slowly I realized that it's kind of a life style change. Quoted what F said, "It's an art. One need to appreciate it to master". It's a slow process; but I believe in the end, you'll benefit from it, both mentally and physically.
Btw, I really enjoyed the smell of essential oils ... I've never felt myself so close to nature before.
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