2004-08-11 17:40:00
yeah. Here I am. Thanks a lot for thinking of me. :)
I am all right. Kinda on the down side of my life, but things are going. I don't know how long
I need to get over my problem totally, but I have to keep my life going, with or without him. No
matter what, I don't come to states just to date him. :)
For the matter on the other BBS, you can just ignore it. Sometimes you cannot expect everyone to
understand. At least here on huaren, people like you. I think you are a great girl. :) See, I
always use English because my Chinese typing is awfully slow and I am using an operating system
where typing Chines is not fun. Just do things in the way you prefer, as long as it doesn't hurt
others. What do you think?
I am all right. Kinda on the down side of my life, but things are going. I don't know how long
I need to get over my problem totally, but I have to keep my life going, with or without him. No
matter what, I don't come to states just to date him. :)
For the matter on the other BBS, you can just ignore it. Sometimes you cannot expect everyone to
understand. At least here on huaren, people like you. I think you are a great girl. :) See, I
always use English because my Chinese typing is awfully slow and I am using an operating system
where typing Chines is not fun. Just do things in the way you prefer, as long as it doesn't hurt
others. What do you think?
BTW, I like this post. Think you may like to see it.
The writing is not perfect but I like it anyway.
The writing is not perfect but I like it anyway.
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